
Home theater DVD player error message?

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I have a JVC home theater system, model XV-THA25. When I power it up, the word PROTECTION comes up on the display and then it shuts itself off. Anybody know the fix?




  1. By "cables and connections" he means your speaker wires.

    Check the speaker wires coming out of the receiver. If any strands of copper are sticking out - they can cause a short.

    Then - check the speaker wires attached at each speaker.  A short here is just as bad as a short behind the receiver.

    I had a similar problem with my receiver, and I could not find any shorts anywhere.  As a last-ditch before hauling the receiver to the shop, I disconnected every speaker wire, trimmed, re-connected and the problem went away.

  2. Home theater systems throw up this error under one of two possible conditions: overheating or short circuit. If you're seeing this as soon as you turn on the unit, it can't be overheating. So check all your cables and connections for short circuits.

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