
Home warranty and air conditioning unit?

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Our air conditioning unit didn't seem to be working. We have it set at 72 and the temperature upstairs is 79. Granted it is over 90 degrees outside but I figured something had to be wrong because 79 seemed way too high.

The home warranty people sent somebody out to check and do any repairs. After three or four visits, the guy wrote on the work order that the unit was doing everything it could do. This leads me to believe it is working correctly but the heat and possible lack of insulation (we just moved in so I don't know if it is poorly insulated or not) is causing the temperature to rise too much for the unit.

Do I have any recourse here with the home warranty company? Even if it is working, can I get them to replace it with a more powerful unit?

Any recommendations?




  1. Where is the A/C thermostat located at, if down stairs this is one reason why. Next the return for the a/c where the filter goes is there one up stairs if not problem number two. Attic temps in the day time will make the house warm, you either vent the attic or insulate the attic. No recourse that is the way the house is built. The returns and location of the thermostat will cause these problems. YOU must have returns upstairs or the heat will not go any where. Call A good A/C contractor and it will not take long to find the problem.

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