
Homebrewers? Question about making spiced ales...?

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I want to get started making a couple rich and spicy ales for the holidays. I want to do a practice batch. I have heard that soaking things like anise, cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, etc. in a liter of vodka and then using that vodka in place of some of the carboy water works to spice up the beer.

Is this the right way to go? How long should I let the spices steep and how much should I use in 1 liter of Vodka?




  1. I've never heard of this.  I'd be reluctant to try it.  Even though basically, all Vodka is is grain mashed up and distilled.  No real major difference from what beer is.

    In my experience however, a long and slow boil of the original mash with desired spices added in the last half to quarter of boiling time will give a wonderful flavour.

  2. i don't brew much beer but a friend makes them with spices. I suppose she does it like others but the flavor is too strong. Soaking in vodka makes spiced vodka not beer. LOL

  3. Don't pour vodka into your beer.  Instead, when you rack to secondary, add the spices to the batch.  Depending on the gravity of the beer, you may not have to sanitize the spices.

  4. I make a spiced beer for each holiday. I will be brewing it just before labor day. What I do is steep the selected spices in the bitter wort for about 20 minutes. I do this when I whirlpool the wort as it settles. Just place the spices in the hot wort an let it rest. When the spices in the whirlpool has steeped for 25  minutes I rapidly cool it for inoculation.

    Again later I add spices to the beer in the secondary. I have never had a contamination problem. But if you are nervous about it just spray the spices well with isopropyl alcohol. It will soon evaporate and there you go. I let the spices soak for at least 3 weeks. The ethyl alcohol in the beer will extract the spice phenolics and esters and you will have a great Yule Tide Ale.

  5. Ingredients

    2 pints of ale

    5 cloves

    1 large red eating apple

    large pinch of ground mixed spice

    large pinch of ground nutmeg

    3 level teaspoon caster/superfine sugar

    (see measure conversions for more information)


    - Heat the ale gently.

    - Do not allow to boil.

    - Stir in the spices and sugar.

    - Mix well.

    - Core but do not peel the apple.

    - Slice the apple and float in the drink just before serving hot.

    i believe that is the correct method

    you should let the spices steep as long as u think the spices are ready

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