
Homebuilt Aircraft legality??

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If someone would build a Piloted(by man) aircraft, for instance, me.

What would I need to be able to fly it legaly? If the Airplane would have homebuild Jet engine and is capable to fly up to 900kmh,

Should I need any licenses or something like that? Please explain Detailed...




  1. yes but there is a bigger chance u wont get a lisense unless u can go to the airforce and try to bribe.

  2. Bless your heart.

    The amount of detail you would need to know before embarking on getting an experimental aircraft certified would not fit here.

    If you are serious, stay in school, don't do drugs, go to college, become an aeronautical engineer, develop your 900kmh jet engine experimental aircraft, profit.

  3. I'm going to answer from a good sense stand, rather than legality stand.  Because, I'm really not sure you understand what you are asking....

    I'm a pilot, and unless I could verify the airworthiness of an aircraft (and I've seen lots of homebuilts), I would not even consider getting in one, unless I was ultra confident of it's stability, integrity, and airworthiness...

    If you are in the U.S., you can get the FAA to issue a certificate.  Although that takes alot.  You'd also want to hire an A&P to thoroughly inspect it, and a test pilot to fly it first.

    And one more thing - if you can afford to buy one with a jet engine, you could buy a factory built non jet that would certainly suffice.  Or even a used jet - I saw several at Sun and Fun for sale..

    Oh, and there's no such thing as a 'Pilot License'.  It's a Cetificate - I have one...

  4. Yes, you would need to have at least a private pilot license with a turbine rating.

    Being realistic, there is no way you could build a proper jet engine, those home built ones are c**p. They use massive amounts of fuel for very little thrust. Think hundreds of gallons an hour.

    It would even be a little far fetched to build a ultralight. The precision and knowledge needed is far beyond most people.

    There are a few out there like the "hummel bird" which can be built from pre-manufactured parts for less than $10k, but that is far from 900kmh. They do about 160-175kmh on 3-4gph.

  5. When you set out to build an airplane from scratch, you must have a certification from an FAA technical examiner.  If you are not in the USA, there will be a similar process in most countries.

    At various stages in the construction, the FAA examiner will inspect your work and either sign off on it, or make you do it over or do something different.

    The FAA will not let you build the kind of airplane you are describing, unless you have a degree in aerospace engineering and a team of specialists to sign off on all aspects of the design.  Designing a new airplane for the jet engine speed range is a job for a well-financed company.

    So unless you have all those resources available, you will have to stick with an existing design.  The FAA examiner will see you through the process and give you an Experimental Aircraft Airworthiness Certificate, if you have done a workmanlike job.

    At the same time, you must secure at least a Private Airman Certificate and the ratings appropriate to the airplane you are building.

    Then you can legally fly your creation.  Any attempt to circumvent or short-circuit this process is a felony crime at the federal level, punishable by huge fines and long prison sentences.  So do it right.

    Your starting place is the Experimental Aircraft Association.

    Have fun!

  6. Hi,

    Yes you can fly but before that you should have following

    You have get registered your Air Craft with Civil Aviation Authorities.

    You have take permission before flying.

    You should have at least Private Pilot License.

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