
Homecoming whats a girl to do?

by Guest62705  |  earlier

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so homecoming is on sep 20th and i turn 16 in the 14th which is when i begin dating. i dont even have any guy friends let alone boyfriends and really wanna go to homecoming but no one knows me i would say i am pretty good looking and i need help on how to get a guy for homecoming. i might be ok with asking a guy, but is that weird? tips?




  1. no its not weird...just go up to a guy start talkin to him, become good friends with him, and then ask him out.

  2. i think they ask the girl.

    but go for it =D

  3. i dont know wat to say i think u might wait but if u have no one else to go like 2 weeks b4 the homecoming ask someone  

  4. this isnt sadies, usually the guy asks the girl.

  5. if you feel comfortable asking a guy out that's fine. Girls usually perfer for the guys to ask the girls, but who cares? Just hook up with a no dater and you should be fine. Girls at my school have like a group that have no dates but they all go to homecoming, then they all pitch in to rent a limo. usually 20 of them do this.

  6. Well if you see a guy you think is kinda cute, and he doesn't talk to you, just go up to him and say "Hey, I like your hair, it looks so cool" or "Hey, your shirt rocks" just compliment him, then talk to him. try to find things in common to him. just kinda flirt but be yourself. then when homecoming comes up, ask him "hey, so I don't have a date to homecoming, I was wondering maybe you would go with me?" be bold, but in a way shy and nice. it'll get him ;D

  7. just ask a guy out if you like him. if you want to get to know some guy then talk to him and start a conversation.

  8. Theres nothing wrong with asking a guy! i bet theres alot of guys that have already checked you out and said to themselves i wanna go to homecoming with her but im to shy to ask! so you never know if you ask a guy that you wanna go with he might like it so juss ask.

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