
Homeless & food?

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What is keeping all the homeless in cities from walking into a hotel in the morning and sitting in for a free breakfast?

The next chance I get, I am bringing food back and forth from my hotel to homeless people. I hope you join me!





  1. This may happen in America, yet other poorer countries do not have this custom.

    I suggest that you do not get the free breakfast (because really there is no such thing as a free lunch, or breakfast) as somewhere down the line, rules will change and the world will become a meaner place, to counteract what you suggest.

    The politics needs to change, so as to prevent the homelessness in the first place.

    Who is truly needing help and who is lazy?

  2. I think it's that the hotel auditors recognize the people, and would notice a bum come in. And because they want to keep the hotels reputation up, they would say something. Unless it's a nice person working... but Idk.

  3. Nothing really, except if they look like they smell and are dirty and walk in just to grab some food that might be a bit suspicious.

  4. i was homeless for 6 yrs and unless you have been there you have no idea what is needed--speaking for myself,i never panhandled and i was never without knowledge of  where to get food or be fed--you learn where to go for what,who to hang around,who the drinkers were,who the drug people are,where to be safe at night  etc..the hardest thing to find is where you can bath yourself regularly--my head is broken but with meds,i've been off the streets 3yrs--doing good , it would be nice if the homeless were treated as equals and not subhuman

  5. lol, this made me think about my grandparents stopping for breakfast while they were traveling. They thought they were stopping at a restaurant to eat when they realized that it was a restaurant connected to a hotel and they were getting the complimentary breakfast that was supposed to be for hotel guests. Since they were already there, they went ahead and ate breakfast and then left . I thought that was the funniest story. lol

  6. that seriously is a good idea...because if you give them money..unfortunatly they might spend it on cigarettes or alcohol

  7. Most hotels keep a low key watch to be sure the folks breakfasting with them are guests there.   Most homeless folks don't give quite the same appearance as their guests and would be coming from the street enterance not the direction of rooms.  

    Sharing food to which you are enitled is certainly legitimate as long as you are taking about what you or any normal person would eat for breakfast. Otherwise it is called stealing.   Another effective thing to do is get a book of fast food place $1 certificates and share those.  Most fast food places have some kind of 99 cent biscuits.  You might also want to stock up on inexpensive but nourishing food bars and pass those out.   They are especially good because they can be kept in a pocket and eaten whenever and wherever the person gets hungry.   Bus tokens are very welcome too in areas where there is public transportation.

  8. The Robin hood concept may seem like a good idea but what if everyone did it? One response might be Hotels giving up on such a service or they will have to increase security and thus raise the cost of the rooms. Also wouldn't this also attract more vagrants to the Hotel and in doing so cause people to seek other accommodations. Now you put a hotel out of business and All of those employees can come to you for free food.

  9. Well as a hotel employee we are very aware of who is coming in and out of the lobby. We boot people out simply if they are not paying guests regardless of how they are dressed or what they look like. Im sure most homeless people would stick out like a sore thumb.

  10. I don't know but I would guess that they are afraid that they will be discovered and asked to leave.  No wants to be embarrassed.

    I like you idea to take them food.  I noticed that when I go to Great American Ballpark in Cincinnati there are always homeless people asking for help as I walk to the stadium.  I have started making 3-4 bags of food that I can give to individuals.

    I hope that if I was ever in their shoes that someone would be kind to me.
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