
Homeless guy just mowed me lawn.....?

by  |  earlier

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a homeless guy came to my house and asked if he could mow my lawn for money, so i let him. i gave him $5 and packed him a lunch.

now i'm paranoid he's going to come back and kill me or something....

or at least come back for handouts

was i wrong to let him do this?




  1. Now... aren't you being a bit paranoid?

    If he hasn't done anything yet why the alarm?

    You've been nice to him and as far as I know he was willing to WORK for the 5 dollar you gave him. It tells me that this guy, although homeless, has a certain code of valour. You know, work for your pittance. Many out there are simple beggars. At least this one feels that he must do something to earn money.

    If he comes back and your lawn needs to be mowed again then have him do it again, where's the harm in this?

    This planet is in dire need of people like you, generous and helping. Don't stop because you have fears for an event that didn't even took place. It remains to be proved that this man is a problem for you. Right now, he's your own private lawn mower. It's not everyone that can say the same  ;)

  2. If he comes back, I am sure it will not be to kill you.

    If he does come back and want to cut your grass again, would it hurt you, he didn't before? I mean $ 5 bucks for cutting grass especially if it is hot where you live is really a drop in a bucket. I don't think is it really a "hand out" if he worked for it.  Would you have rather mowed the lawn?

    Do you feel good about helping a fellow man? Do you feel comfortable in knowing that atleast this is one day that he will not be hungry? You never know just how big of a difference you make in some people's life with even the most minor things you say or do to them.

    Since you put this question in the Sociology section then I fell that you may know about the paradigms, this question happens to fall under the Symbolic-interaction one. This paradigm is a framework that see society being a product of everyday interaction of people. In this paradigm one would say that one man may see a homeless person as just someone looking for a "handout" where as another may see a fellow human being, in need of help. You have to decide which one of those persons you are. Which ever one you choose, all I ask is that you be nice about turning him away if you decide to. I know you don't know me, but......I'm just a kind hearted being.

    BTW, I am a criminal Justice major, so I do understand your real fear in this case, but chances are that if you were nice to the man, and not rude then he will remember that, so there is prolly no chance of harm.

    thanks for reading take care

  3. Do worry about it too much. If he comes back, let him know that you don't need him to mow the lawn. If he come back for the third time, you can always call the community center or police. But since he has done nothing so far, don't worry about him at all.

    You probably make him feel better that day and he will respect that.

    If not, you have the police and other options.

    Don't worry about it.

  4. will find out soon

  5. I agree with the second response, if he comes back around, I would inform the neighborhood watch or the police IMMEADIATELY!

  6. No.  Don't be paranoid.  More than likely the worst that will happen is he will come back next week and ask to mow your lawn again! (which if it is a regularly scheduled thing is ok)  What you probably did was validate his self worth and make him feel human.  There is nothing wrong with that.  If he starts hanging out there everyday, not just on regular mowing  days or you notice him places other than your neighborhood etc. that could be a problem and you should report him.  Otherwise it was just what it seems a guy looking for some honest work.

    It is ok for you to be cautious though, that is called being smart!

  7. no!!! you payed him to do something and he might just come back to offer it again...but if you feel threatened call the police.

  8. No,all homeless people aren't dangerous.Some are good people that are trying to at least work to earn money.Not just asking for a hand out.It's good that you packed him a lunch because 5.00 is not much money for mowing a lawn.Standard rate is at least 30.00.But a lot of people are thankful for anything.At least you did let him mow it so that's good.I wouldn't be worried about him doing anything.I have been homeless myself and it really sucked.I have also known quite a few really good  people that were homeless so I have to try to be understanding  about homelessness.The singer Jewel was even homeless at one time,as well as a few others before finally making their lives into something better.For some is life that has beaten them and they just ended up giving up after so long of trying.That's what kinda happened to me but thankfully I had a family to buy me a ticket to travel across country back home to them to help me get my life back.Some people have no one to help them and no one who cares.In the end ,their spirit is broken.It's really sad.

  9. No he won't be back, after all, you only gave this man, who has no home and was trying to work to help himself, $5 for his work...yes the lunch was a good idea but I give a guy $5 for standing on the corner doing nothing...I would have give this person $30 at least...and I am poor myself...maybe that is why I understand how things are...

  10. Hmm...interesting.... it sucks being nice, huh? :)  

    If the idea of him coming back makes you uncomfortable, I would call neighborhood watch or the police just to report that there are people soliciting this way and that you just wanted to let them know to keep watch around your neighborhood... because it's unsafe for  you, and unsafe for the guy walking up to random people's homes asking for work like this...

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