
Homelessness counter arguments needed?

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What are some for:

1) Giving kids therapy and other means of getting rid of stress.

2) Reducing the prices of property for homeless people to buy.

3) Getting a homeless person to stop becoming lazy and start working at life.

Its for this persuasive essay I'm writing.




  1. Do your own work. I swear! Kids these days are so lazy thanks to the net.

  2. 3)........

    My friend wrote a whole report about homelessness last year I learned that some things about them. I learned that sometimes it wasn't their fault that they became homeless. Many could have war veterans who had been traumatized by the effects of serving in war. You would be too if you saw all that killing. The government just didn't want to support them to recovery.

    Think about it. If one homeless were to TRY to get a job, would your hire he or she? They weren't able to clean up.

    Think about how hard it was even for the character in the movie "The Pursuit of Happyness"

    However, from inferences, I noticed that it is so messed up that some homeless decide to use the change they as for for things like beer or drugs.

  3. 1. See

    2,  Good theory BUT there also needs to be help with the underlying causes of homelessness.   These may be lack of job skills, single parent with low income job which your idea would help a lot, failure of absent parent to pay child support, substance, mental illness, teen pregnancy, lack of money management skills, codependency stuations, etc.

    3. You are pretty far off base with this given that according to the Institute for Children and Poverty which is the largest and most respected research group on the subject the average homeless American is a 6 yr old child which in simple math means half the homless ppl in the US are kids under 6 who do not choose their situation and are powerless to end it.   Beyond that many homeless people do work.  Try to be a teen mom (the head of the average homless family) or even an older single adult supporting a couple of kids on minimum wage and see how long you can make it. will give you the simple math of it.  In short form  40 hours at $5.65 an hour means a take home pay after taxes of $165-175 a week. Childcare for preschoolers or summer care for school aged kids is at least $40 a week. An average rundown but livable trailer in a fairly low rent community area rents for $100-125 a week. Apartments and houses are usually more expensive. That leaves from $0 to $35 a week to pay for everything else: food, utilities, heat, a way to get to work, toilet paper, soap, shampoo, etc. Everything it takes to run a home, not to even think of clothes or toys. If somehow by the grace of God, child support, food stamps, a family can manage on this budget what happens if one of the kids is sick and can't go to school or day care? Or mom gets sick herself and misses work? (many minimum wage jobs don't pay sick days) Or if the car breaks down or blows a tire (there are no buses in most rural areas and taxies are $5 to as much as $20 one way here), or the weather is extra cold and the heat bill goes up to $200 a month? Working overtime or a second job means more childcare and less parenting. Children really need a parent's care. Can you make endsmeet on that budget?

    Best solutions are preventative.  Ppl who drop out are 50% more likely to become homeless than ppl who finish high school according to ICP and the US census bureau.    PPL who become a parent at age younger than 18 also more likely to becomne homeless (males as well as females tho females even more likely acc.ording to the same sources

    For more on good solutions please see www.homesforthe

  4. It is false to assume that because they are homeless that they are lazy. Who are you to judge? You have no idea what brought them to that place in life. You should be ashamed! Put that in your essay.

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