
Homemade Face mask recepies?

by  |  earlier

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I'm looking for homemade face mask that i don't buy i make and is good.




  1.  raw egg is good, it sounds horrible but really works, i use it once a week.

    first apply the egg whites, and then the yolk after as a rich natural moisturizer was them off when you can't smile.

  2. i find that toothpaste is definately a great solution... try it.... just if u have sensitive skin, it will not work as well...

  3. ok for making the best facial mask ever you should go shopping for this materials
    you need:
    Hershey chocolate bar
    1/4 milk
    yogurt 2 spoons
    okk first you cave to melt the chocolate bar into a cup then leave it in the freezer for 15 min after 15 min pas you can grab it from the freezer then add 1/4 of milk and  2 sppons of yogurt then mix it after you mix it apply it to your face it feels really good you can even eat it! it smells goofd to after you leave it for 10 minutes you can apply water to you face so the mask can take off you have to be patient grab a paper towel and scrub it of first use hot water then cold it helps your skin  not to get dry and it feels really soft and smooth you should try it it rocks i love it i do it one a week byee lub ya try it its really cool!! i trust you try it!!

  4. Did you know that by putting tooth paste all in your face it makes you feel fresh and beautiful first mix it with water then put it in a warm cloth and scrub through your face after like 2 minutes rinse of with cold water it opens up pores and even opens up your nose and eyes you feel more alive do it once a day make your skin as soft as baby butt.

  5. you can use yogurt because it helps the pores, add avocatoe, mint so it refreshes your skin,milk if you cant find mint just don't put that then take it off with warm water and them with cold water btw (by the way) it helps your get as soft as a babies butt!! i have tried it a million times now i feel refreshing i smell good and i dont have pores nor pimples! i feel alive!

  6. ketchup. mayonnaise and peanut butter are perfect for face

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