I plan to homeschool my children next year, and I don't have any support from family or friends - I am going to join a local support group, though. I am devising a plan and trying to put together a curriculum. I will have a second grader, Kindergartener, and Preschooler. This is what I'm thinking so far:
1. I like the Charlotte Mason idea of being outside in nature a lot - especially since all three are boys. I'm also going to have them do written and oral dictations on a regular basis, and have them write in their journals at least weekly.
2. I want the main focuses at this age to be the three R's. I want them to be as proficient and accomplished in these areas as possible. So, I will have text books for these subjects, they'll do lots of drills, lots of reading and writing of stories and poems.
3. Then, we'll have unit studies about whatever subjects they are interested in. This will include lots of library books, field trips, science experiments, and other hands-on activities.