
Homemade Mouse Toys?

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I want to make or get my mouse it's own homemade toys, or just household items!

Anyone have got any good ideas? Very, very helful and appretiative!

Thanks for reading, and please responde!




  1. bottle caps of drinks.

    mice love to choke on that s**+*

  2. cellotape loads of cardboard tubes together and put some treats at the end in a small box

  3. Salt bath- My mouse has always enjoyed a good salt bath. What to do:

    Fill a jam lid with 1-2 Cm of water. Add 2 pinches of salt to the water, let your mouse enjoy. Warning: Only do this in the summer, or when it's hot. You should let the cage sit in the sun for a few minutes after  the mouse finnishes dipping and remove. You don't want your mouse to have pnemonia!

  4. *Aquarium Cage*

    I sew a little bag made of fleece for my mouse Clover. I hang it from the roof and put somthing tall beside it so its easier to get into.She loves them and even uses the bag as her bed. She prefers it over a bed on the ground.

    I also take lots of toilet paper tubes and tape them together and run them through boxes so its like secret tunnels from house to house. If you put tons of shavings in the tank and run the tubes under the shavings its even cooler. I like to run the tunnels to a secret room under the shavings thats missing a wall so it can be pushed up to the glass and you can see them under ground.

    If you take a bigger box you can tape or hot glue gun in a second level with a ladder. Sometimes I leave one wall out and push against the glass to you can see them inside the house.

    Jess and Clover

  5. chrush some tin foil into a ball my mouse plays with hers all the time

  6. chrush some tin foil into a ball my mouse plays with hers all the time

  7. Take a half, 6 egg carton and cut holes in one end. Tape it together, they love it.


  9. Well, I was thinking about making my mice, that I will be getting soon, a rope or string ladder. By perhaps getting some string and plaiting it with two long strips. and then get about 5-6 smaller strips and plait them and tie them to the side of the longer strips. And then maybe you could get a cardboard toilet roll and cut it and then wrap the strips around the steps to make them more solid. :)

  10. there is the obvious ones like the toilet paper rolls but one great idea i did earlier this week was to get a coconut drain out the milk cut out the white stuff and make lil doors in the halve so you get 2 coconut tents!

  11. I have 3 female mice and they love to huddle up in cotton wool balls and sawdust mixed together, and i love to mix treats in with it.

  12. sup, dude those are awesome ideas thanks my mice love a           alwways they are buddies and always love a digging box which is bedding inside a box with treats at the bottom it is good expecially if they are fat cause they kinda work for it They also like crumbled paper with a treat which mine like bird seed although fattening they love it anyway thanks for ur ideas

  13. my mouse Maisy really likes her bell hanging from the top of her cage. I also have mirrors inside and outside of her cage, she seems to like the one outside her cage more. I made her a popsicle stick platform too.

  14. you could crumble up a piece of paper into a ball. My mouse really loves hers

  15. Try taking chicken wire or something mesh then fold it a few times and put it on the wall they love to climb on it and chew it.

  16. I dunno, clay sounds kinda toxic. Im getting a mouse 2-morow. From what I hear, dont use any ruber dog toys or anything like that. they chew the rubber and it blocks their intestines or something.

  17. I dunno, clay sounds kinda toxic. Im getting a mouse 2-morow. From what I hear, dont use any ruber dog toys or anything like that. they chew the rubber and it blocks their intestines or something.

  18. cool great ideas yall!!

  19. I made a swing for my mouse using string and braiding it Then I combined the strings into a square seat and attached 2 strings to hang it in the cage.  My mouse loves it.  Also you could have a bell in the cage.  My mouse loves to make it ring.

  20. pretty sure clay my harm the mouse if not propally used

  21. u could make a pinyata using a tissue mouse/rat food and a bit of string and what u do is put some food into the tissue rap it up then tie it up with the string and hang it in their cage

  22. you can get a toilet paper roll, lint from a clothes dryer, and some treats ( bread, dog biscuts, pumpkin seeds etc)
    Put the lint in side the toilet paper roll, but while doing it, mix in the treats. Put a samll hole in the center so the mouse can smell the treaties inside :) my mouse loves hers
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