
Homemade baby food? tips?

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my son is now 8 months old and i want to make his baby food. i just need some advice. how do you store it? how long will it be good in the freezer? etc. any advice would be highly appreciated.




  1. freeze in ice cube trays and store in gfreezer bags or containers! it will b good for weeks

  2. Has your baby had baby food yet?  

    Just buy veggies and fuits, peel and cut them up, steam them, then puree them with your blender, put them in icecube trays, cover with plastic wrap and put them in the freezer.  When they are frozen, simply pop them out and put in a ziploc bag.  The purees should be good for about 3 months.

    I made:

    butternut squash

    sweet potato


    green beans

    yellow beans








    Make sure you don't make too much because your baby probably won't be eating them for too long!  My freezer is full of purees but my baby won't eat them anymore (he's now 9 1/2 months)  You should maybe think about introducing finger foods, such as cheerios, pieces of banana, watermelon...

  3. i use baby cubes to store the food i make, but really you can use anything. alot of people freeze the food in ice cube trays and once they are frozen they transfer them into a ziploc freezer bag. in the freezer, food will last pretty much forever.

    i get alot of info from this website. it is awesome!

  4. i use the glass baby food jars. and i follow the same guidelines as if i bought it fron the store. good for 3 days. as for storage use ziplock freezer bags or i used my extra milk storage bags, those work great no air gets in at all. good luck

  5. many suggest using a covered ice cube tray. if you are like me freezer space is at a premium. my advice... don't make everything, and do one meal at a time, when possible. this will also force variety.

    monday at dinner you serve carrots, make extra in a separate pan that is cooked more to a mushy stage. invest in a baby food mill, or use a blender with a little water from the pan as it carries vitamins lost during cooking, to puree. serve with a little rice cereal or oatmeal for extra nutrients and stick to his ribs.

    another grat source that will last in the fridge about a week - mashed potatoes (no dairy yet) pureed with water, lentils, dried split peas. for more consistancy try couscous, rissoto, over cooked pasta but not soupy mushy.

    fruits that are quick tomush... banana, peaches (ripe), nectarine. wait on melons untilhe has a better grasp on the chewing.

    crackers, soft breads i.e. banana, zucchini, pumpkin are good snacks that break down easily and can help with self feeding.

  6. at 8 months he can really start to eat what you are eating.  Just steam veggies and cut them up into bite size pieces.  Offer veggies, fruit, lean meat and whole grains.

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