
Homemade bubbles?

by  |  earlier

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how do u make homemade bubbles?




  1. The secret ingredient for huge, show-stopping bubbles is to add some glycerin to your soap and water.

    If this is just for little bubble blowing, liquid dishwashing detergent and water will do.

  2. Water and dishwashing liquid.

  3. Here's a couple recipes for you... you can also use a little karo syrup if you don't have glycerin handy:

    1 Cup Water

    2 Tablespoons Light Karo syrup or 2 Tablespoons Glycerin

    4 Tablespoons Dishwashing liquid

    Mix together and have fun!

    Colored Bubbles

    1 Cup Granulated Soap or Soap Powder

    1 Quart Warm Water

    Liquid Food Coloring

    Plastic Straws

    Small Juice Cans

    Dissolve soap in warm water. Stir in food coloring until desired color is attained. Give each child a can about 1/3 full of mix and a plastic straw to blow the bubbles.

  4. Dish detergent and water.

  5. dishwasher soap and water
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