
Homemade fiber pots for growing seedlings?

by  |  earlier

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Is it possible to fill a cardboard egg carton with soil, sow seeds, and then once the seedlings are big enough, stick the egg carton directly in the soil - just like a fiber pot? will the cardboard decompose properly?




  1. agree with the holes in the bottom for the roots to get out.... only thing I'd point out is that if you use every 'cup', then the plants might be too close to each other as they grow....

  2. Yep, that works just fine. The cardboard will rot away no problem.

    Here's a tip too - right before you're going to plant - soak the cardboard  & tear off the bottom if the roots haven't already gone through. You can toss the bottom in the garden too, it'll compost in.

    It's not pollution - it's compost.

  3. I don't think so. try using a pot which is a much better way rather than polluting the land.

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