
Homeopathic remedy for folliculitis in nyc ?

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Hi , does anyone know of a good homeopath in NYC for treating folliculitis , or any alternative therapy like herbal , naturopathic or ayurvedic ....please I am desperate




  1. Folliculitis is an inflammatory reaction in the skin around hair roots [the follicles] and it gives the appearance of little red marks and pimples surrounding the them. It is usually caused by infection, but can also be triggered by friction or exposure to chemicals on the affected area. Bacteria known as Staphylococcus aureus are the usual culprits, but <a href="/diseases/facts/pityriasisversicol... a superficial fungal infection, can sometimes be responsible. If the rash only occurs on shaved skin it is worth considering the possibility of a condition known as pseudofolliculitis, which is caused by ingrowing hairs.

    Antiseptic soap preparations or dab-on antibiotic lotions and creams usually settle the condition. Oral antibiotics, such as Erythromycin, are sometimes used for severe of persistent problems. Any rash caused by friction or chemicals won't respond unless the underlying skin irritant is avoided. Pseudofolliculitis tends to get better once you stop shaving the affected skin or switch to an electric shaver.

    A correct diagnosis is important in determining the best approach to treatment, so I would suggest seeing your doctor and, if you are not making progress, consulting a dermatologist for further advice.

  2. I've found homeopathy to be exceptional in treating folliculitis. You'll need to find a homeopath who is certified to practice in North America (New York, right?). The national directory is I recommend interviewing 2-3 homeopaths, checking credentials, training, and experience (you want someone with a 100% homeopathic practice). A lot of conventional and alternative practitioners know a consumer-level knowledge, yet advertise themselves as homeopaths. You need more than that.

    http://www.NationalCenterforHomeopathy.o... also has a homeopathic directory. While not everyone on this list will be certified, if they are a better match (location, personality, fee) and the homeopath otherwise fits the above qualifications, you'll receive quality care.

    Be sure to go for at least 3 visits (usually once monthly).

    Take care, and rest in the knowledge you can enjoy beautiful skin (well, at any rate, in the context of your heredity and lifestyle).

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