
Homeopathy for a nervous jumpy cat?

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We have had our rescue cat (she was not mistreated, just temporarily stray and lived outdoors for 6 months or so) for about 6 months. She is very friendly and sweet, will be stroked and sit on laps etc.

She is however generally VERY jumpy, any sudden moves, like entering a room or getting up from a chair, and she will startle and run.

She is also terrified of my 9 year old, which is a recent thing, (and no, he has never scared her or treated her badly, he loves her dearly and she really liked him when she first arrived with us) and i have no idea why.

Are there any homeopathic/flower/herbal remedies that can be used for animals to help her at all? She spends her whole life in a mild state of panic - can't be good for her! Has anyone tried something similar?




  1. I've found homeopathic Aconite, Ignatia and AArsenicum to help in similar situations. (You know you'd give one remedy and wait, right? Then shift to the next, if necessary.)

    Pets can get in this state after the 4th of July. You're right, she is in a state of flight, fight or fright, so consuming a lot of vital energy. Part of her jumpiness can also be developmental (for example, her surprising, inexplicable recent shift with your son).

    There are also veterinarians who practice constitutional homeopathy for pets ( the most comprehensive listing of which I'm aware).

    I also use flower essences, but sparingly since homeopathy. If you've already given one, see what happens, then shift to homeopathy in the event incomplete healing. Best wishes!

  2. But the 'science' of homeopathy, the 'medicine' is actually just plain water.  The only known effect that homeopathic medicines produce is the placebo effect.  

    Because that cat is not as smart as humans, it will not know that you are giving it medicine.  The cat won't recognize it and won't produce any placebo effect.  

    My guess would be to buy her cat nip and a toy :\

  3. not quite a homeopathic measure but plant some catnip or toys stuffed with catnip.

  4. I would give her the Rescue Remedy and Rock Rose in the range of Bach Flowers.

    Put 4 drops of each in her water bowl every day. If she drinks very little, put 4 drops twice a day directly on her food.

    This should help for any post-traumatic stress or any new stress she may be experiencing now for whatever reason.

    All the best with your lovely kitty!

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