
Homeopathy questions.Do you know of a good remedy for touretts,or autism?

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Do you know any good homeopaths that treat autism?How to give the remedy,without contaminating it?




  1. Homeopathic remedies treat people, not disease labels.  As such 20 individuals with the same disease might need 20 different remedies.  You can also get a situation where 20 people with different disease might need the same remedy!  A thorough case must be taken by a homeopath to select the correct remedy.  I recommend reading about homeopathy and autism to gain some understanding of homeopathic treatment.  The links I've posted below include links to reviews of the books.

    So far as finding a good homeopath to treat autism, if you're in North America, I'd start by seeking out a classical homeopath with CCH or NASH credentials.  The more autism cases a homeopath has, the better (s)he gets at seeing a patient's individuality through the disease.  To find such in your area, try asking for recommendations on an international web group of classical homeopaths like minutus.  

    In my experience remedies prepared according to HPUS standards (the only ones legal to sell in the U.S.) are far more resilient than people give them credit for.  That being said just follow the directions given by your homeopath.  You should be fine.

  2. No, but I'm dying to treat a person with real tourettes using upper cervical chiropractic.

  3. Take a look at  They have a multitude of information concerning detox using chelation through clay baths.  I just ordered 2 kits for my children which include tests that tell you what type and amount of metals are in your childrens system.  Many many reviews from parents with autistic children.  Check it out!

  4. i believe that both these mental ailments are caused by mercury toxicity caused by vaccination. mercury detox and stay ing away from foods that have mercury, like seafoods.  

  5. Homeopathy is not like conventional medicine whereby one is prescribed medication dependent upon the disease name.  One person's expression, i.e. symptoms, of a disease will not be exactly the same as anothers and so a homeopath will individualize your Sx's to find a remedy most beneficial to your totality of symptoms.

    For a good homeopath in Toronto,  

    Best of luck.

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