
Homeopathy: what is the advantages and pratical resons for using one remedy at a time???

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no homeopathy bashers please!




  1. By the real science behind homeopathic medicines, There is no reason not to take multiple meds at once.  This is because each medicine contains no active ingredient.  By diluting a concoction until solution contains no molecule of the original ingredient makes no sense by any standards, except magic..

    If you want a magical reason why homeopathic medicines should not be taken together, my guess is that the 'powerful' medicines combined might cause a whimsical explosion in your stomach with all that essence..............................

  2. Because it will mwork on the principle of th Totality of the Sxs.

  3. Homeopathy is the diluted form of herbal treatments.. because it is diluted  that means  you should just take one rem at a time if you want the total effect from it!

    Homeopathy has it's place but I recommend taking a Herbal product that is not a Homeopathy.  That means one that isn't watered down!  You'll need less cause it's stronger because not watered down and cure will come faster!   Use Herbs first. for combating ailments!  Only if they fail then go to Allapathy methods.

  4. I tried homeopathy for my tonsillitis that just wouldnt go away. I tried everything else and nothing worked. after taking the remedy it worked out just fine and havent had the problem since. Its very suttle, doesnt interfere with other medines, and very easy to take. Its an alternative to take when everything else fails

  5. Like puffy shoes said, it muddies the vibrations.  You only want one at a time so that in it's concentration it is more focused.  Often you will move from one remedy to the next in a succession as your condition changes or evolves and works out of your system.

  6. Homeopathy can be the best thing you've ever tried if you do it right.  Do some research at for the best results.  Information is the key to success.

  7. the reason for taking one remedy at time is that the vibration (not magic as some1 here has so cunningly pointed out...) contained within the pills causes your body and mind to tune and resonate with this vibration. you can imagine it with colors: say that some1 has a problem with a stomach and their stomach is "green" + they have different problem caused by different things with their knees (knees are "red"). Now, if such patient wants to be cured, they need to take one remedy at time to get rid of their problem, since if they were taking both red and green remedies, the resulting color won't be neither red nor green, so it won't help at all or won't be as precise = similar to the vibration needed.

    edit: i don't get why people who obviously don't have a clue how homeopathy works bother and write here.. not diluted herbs are stronger? for crying out loud, people, homeopathy is not about particles...

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