I have started on my DVD Resource Library which includes CD ROMS and also DVDs (well, i've had it for a few years now, but am finally FORMALLY naming it)... I am looking for ideas of items to include in my library.
Things I already have:
Bill Nye the Science Guy: all 100 episodes
Discovery Channel: 100 best inventions in physics and science
National Geographic: A few DVDs on big cats
BBC: Planet Earth (whole series)
BBC: The Human Animal (whole series, yes we are christian, but this has alot of good info I thought my kids could use and I always watch it with them to answer ?
BBC: Life in Cold Blood
IMAX: Helicopters in action, Coral Reef and a few I can't remember
Popular Mechanics for Kids: Messy Jobs
Greys 3-D Anatomy for Medical Students
National Geographic (entire collection of magazines on CDROM)
If anyone has suggestions to add to this DVD or CDROM, I would love to hear them and WHY you use them to teach a subject or to supplement.