
Homeschool - Florida?

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According to the law (Florida Statutes Annotated § 1003.02(1)(g) 1) a homeschooling child must be above 6 but not attained 16.

So... 16 years olds and 17 year olds can't be homeschooled?




  1. I think you are not reading the Law properly. You can be home schooled until you graduate, not matter what age you finish (17,18, sometimes 19) Are you wanting to be home schooled, if so I would suggest you get started. It not too late to finish and get a diploma.


    Go to the last FAQ, number 12. Hope this helps you.

  3. There are some online/curriculum organizations in Florida that should be able to either explain the law to you, or you can enroll your student through there school (and get around the 16 thing). I don't remember their name, but I believe they were located in Brevard County. Online searches should yield their name and number.

  4. yes anyone in Florida can. Florida Virtual schools are for high school students only. There are several online charter schools there. the good thing about Florida Virtual School is that they also are available for students out of the state for a tuition fee and they do offer AP classes.

  5. You're misinterpreting the law here. Go back and check the wording. If your child is at or above the age of 6 and you're homeschooling then you need to register them and follow the state homeschool laws because that child is at the age where they are required by law to attend some kind of school, be it private, public, or homeschool. However, once your child is 16 or older, you are not legally required to submit evaluations or follow any of the other homeschool laws because legally your child is no longer required to be in school.  I'm 17 and i'm homeschooled in Florida. We still submit yearly evaluations though.

  6. More likely it means that Florida's school attendance rules only apply to kids aged between 6 and 15.

    What you choose to do aged 16/17 years old (homeschool, public school, private school etc) is likely to be entirely voluntary and beyond the reach of this (or any other) law or official body.

    The law is *not* saying that teens aged 16 or 17 can not homeschool in Florida; it is saying that there is no obligation for homeschooling teens aged 16 and 17 to register with any official authority or inform anyone officially of their homeschooling activities.

  7. nope, i homeschool in FL and I'm 17.

  8. I homeschool in Florida. A student can be homeschooled from preschool until they graduate high school .Many students do finish their high school curriculum well before age sixteen and can then go to college.

    Children in Florida are not subject to compulsory attendance until age six. That ends at age sixteen, although any student, homeschooled or not, can continue in school until they graduate.
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