
Homeschool Instead?

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hi im 16 grade 11 live in ontario canada and have been in public school all my life but am now considering homeschooling. I just dont feel public school is so GREAT as everyone sais infact i think that far from the truth. I feel school isnt a place to learn its a place to go and hang out with friends even in the classroom when the teachers read from a textbook and make u write notes all the time and give worksheets its so boring that no one pays attention and talks to there friends. and drugs are infinaty EVERYONE does some kinda drug even the preppy kids (sorry for sterotyping just giveing a better picture) not jus the party kids. I just sit an laugh at how out of control everyone is. If someone is stuck the whole class has to wait and if no one pays attention that means the class is always behind and the teacher jus repeats herself so i fell im not learning anything. i just want to know if anyone was in a similair sit. as me and has had success with homeshooling or likes it better .




  1. Excuse me.  You are almost finished with high-school and now considering homeschool?  Isn't it a bit late in the game to change the process.  I homeschool my daughter and it isn't easy.  Even if public school isn't as effective as it should be, applying oneself is what makes the difference.  Also consider that socialization is more difficult in homeschool...planning social activities that isolate folks from real life experiences isn't possible.

  2. Although this isn't a direct answer to your question, I wanted to correct Earl D's misinformation. It is *NOT* true that  "In America unless you take an Accredited Program that grants a Home School diploma you have to take the GED test."

    The homeschool laws in the US vary by state; they aren't determined at the federal level. In North Carolina, where we are, my kids will be receive a diploma granted by our registered homeschool which will be exactly as valid as one issued by any other school in the state. As a matter of fact, they will receive at the same time an Associate in Art or Science (depending on their chosen program) from a local community college and be ready to transfer to a 4 year university if that's the route they choose.

  3. You should go to whatever you think is best. Sometimes it also depends on the school. There are some schools that really are concerned about the children's education.

  4. Ewww... Doesn't sound like that's a good place to be. Homeschooling is really great for us and my dd that went to school for one day has no wish to go back, fine with me. We have a lot of success with homeschooling and I know lots of others who do too. High school is a time when you should be learning lots, not sitting around with drug users. Homeschooling will give you that option of learning and getting ready for being an adult.

    We too live in Canada (BC) but dh's parents live in Ontario so we've met some homeschoolers from around there too. I'm sure  you'll have a good time!

  5. Well if you think homeschooling is better for you and your health then i consider it ;] Your mum and dad could teach you at home where you feel safe and the teacher (your mum and dad) can focus on only one pupil which will help improve your grades ;]

    But you might not see your friends as often.... However you can still see them after school and arrange dates....

    So its up to you. I would like to do homeschooling but my mum and dad dont have time. Then bullies wont hurt me :D

    Hope that Helps ;]

  6. yes

  7. I agree that homeschooling could be better in the sense that you'd definitely learn the whole course, instead of falling behind with the class.

    At the same time, I've met some people (although most younger than you) that just seemed a little off because they were homeschooled.  They didn't really know how to get along normally with other kids, weren't really socialized and were kind of babied.

    That being said, you seem old enough to know what the world is really like, and if you're really interested in learning like you say you are, and have a parent willing to teach you, go for it!

  8. Considering your typing, spelling, and punctuation... homeschooling just might be a better option.

    You have to have more discipline in doing the work at home!

    You need to be aware of what your goals are after high school.

    Home school is more of a life learning approach.

    GO for it,  just research it first to makesure its what you really want!

    I say kudos to you for staying out of the bad things at school that takes courage and strength!

    My 15 yr old really likes home school! It gets rid of all that competition and peer pressure!

  9. Do what you think best for yourself.  Three of my children were home schooled.  They loved it..    I only regret that I was not good enough to continue on in their teen years.  The Math these days goes beyond my knowledge.

    They are in a Christian school now and learning very well.

    But I think we needed the homeschool as well and we really did learn from it.   Good Luck and I think you will like it.

    Try   ECOT.   Educational Classroom of Tomarrow

  10. I think you know better than anyone what is best for you.  Just remember there is no point having all the studies in the world if you have no people skills!

  11. Augh!  I just typed this answer and Firefox shut down before I submitted it.

    Homeschooling will be a better choice as long you are willing to work hard and your parents can meet the minimum requirments for Ontario.

    With homeschooling you can move on as soon as you know the material, and you can slow down and take extra time if you need to.  

    Here are some sites you can look at for curriculum:

    I hope Glurpy answers, she will know more about Canadian laws than I.

  12. Homeschooling seems like a viable choice for you.  Consider that you will be working more with your parents than with a teacher so there will be parent/child moments that invade the learner/educator moments.  

    At this age that you are at, if you have a good measure of self-discipline and it appears that with your current environment at school you probably do, then you are a good candidate work *nearly* independant of your parents (THOUGH not without their consent and help). I don't know what Ontario's regulations are like since we are homeschooling in the US. There are so many more possibilities for you as a homeschooler.  So many more subjects to study, and the ability to really specialize in an area of interest.

    Keep in mind your future as well.  If you intend to go to university make sure you meet the minimum requirements to attend and also that your home education is well documented and can stand in addition to your public school record as a good recommendation to the university or college that you are a great student to accept.  Your options are endless and your future in the palm of your hand.  Work hard, choose wisely, and succeed.

  13. You don't say what your grade situation is.

    As some pointed out you are doing this a little late.  You are a year and a half from graduating UNLESS your grades suck the big one.

    Switching to homschool at this point might end your chances for a HS diploma.  In America unless you take an Accredited Program that grants a Home School diploma you have to take the GED test.

    Homeschooling is a good idea, but you really should have started it two years ago at least.

  14. Well, it depends, i just switched to homeschooling recently and i like it loads better. More sleeping, more free time, but if your mom or dad is a college teacher like mine, its loads more work. But you actually learn something. It also depends, can you sit at home all day while your friends get home? I like home-schooling becase I dont like large groups of @ss hole people. But you should decide on your own will. Meet someone in real like who does homeschooling. Don't make your desicion off of the internet.

  15. Sounds like it's time for you to quit school and get a real life!

    A really good resource for kids in high school who are sick of the idiocy and absurdities of school is Grace Llewellyn's book, The Teenage Liberation Handbook. (

    It's a great handbook for how to take control of your own education.

    And all these people who are telling you it's "too late" and you have to have your parents stay home and educate you, and that they have to be super-intelligent are full of it. You're old enough to do it yourself, with help from the resources your parents and community can help you connect with. All it takes is resourcefulness and a commitment to yourself and your future. You can do it!

  16. It does sound like your school is in bad shape, but there is every chance that homeschooling will be just as ineffective.  Unless your parents are well above average intelligence, and are willing to put in some major time and effort, you will not be able to get an effective education at home either.  At least at school you are learning how to handle social situations, even if your book-learnign suffers.

    Good luck.

  17. Homeschooling is great for some but kids need to be around others their own age to interact. I totally recommend you stay in school(public) you are almost out anyway. Kids learn from other kids regardless if it is good or bad and that can make a good impact on your life decisions. You already know how to say NO to the drugs so you got a good head on your shoulders, just hang in there.

  18. Try homeschooling if your parents will let you.

    Or change schools.

    Good luck!

  19. I removed my oldest son from traditional school for some of the same reasons. In may want to check this out

    Also for more information on homeschooling you may want to go here and share ideas etc

  20. Lots of students have enjoyed homeschooling more than public schooling and have been quite successful in it. It sounds like homeschooling would be a good match for you. The best thing you could do, imho, is to locate some Ontario-based homeschooling groups in Yahoo Groups and get more feedback and information there (you MUST make sure all your bases are covered for homeschooling in Ontario) and to contact OFTP (I think it's Ontario  Federation for Teaching Parents--you'll find it easily online doing a search for Ontario homeschool).
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