
Homeschool Problem, GED or VSP? P1?

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Well, I'll start off by being frank and blunt, my work and all of my papers have disappeared, you do not need to know the reason or how, just know I had no control over it.

So now I need to either do the GED which I hear is what alot of homeschool kids take or a Virtual School Program which I have no idea what grade I will be in because I was taken out of school to be homeschooled in the 7th grade, I'm 17 (Just turned March) and I was taken out of school because I live in one of the worst school areas in georgia.

I would really if I could only like to have to study intill I'm 19 if not 18 for my Highschool if its a VSP, So if you could tell me which would be better for my future, and if you say VSP could you tell me which you think are best?

I already have colleges I want to go to so this vanishing act really puts a damper on my plans.




  1. Do you live with your parents or a legal guardian? If so, there's probably a way for THEM to give you a diploma, write up everything they can think of about your education and what you've accomplished, write the transcript you would have had with any necessary explanations, etc. Ask a Georgia-based homeschool support group, too, for the specifics on diplomas in Georgia.

  2. Well, Glurpy gave you a great answer.

    However, if you want to try a virtual school, try to find one that will let you test out of some courses.

    Here is one that will do that, and they are fully accredited:

    They will let you take a test on the course, then if you don't pass, you can study just the parts of the course you need to and re-take the test.  I think it sounds like a good solution for someone who HAS done the work, but just can't prove it.

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