Okay, I'm on the hunt for an electronic planner/organizer/grade-keeping/transcri... program. I know of several things I can mix and match, but I'm looking for something like Homeschool Tracker or Edu-Track. Both of those don't "excite" me, though, as I'm used to my DH's programming in Access with Visual Basic. The two programs just look "cheap" and a bit "clunky".
Has anyone used either of those two, or something better/different? Can you give me some input? I'm running a PC with XP. I'm looking for something customizeable that can carry us through middle and high school courses (with some possible college dual-credit courses).
I may just end up using an Access template database and having my DH tweak it for my needs/wants. I just don't want to bug him if I can help it. I already do that with our co-op's database.