I have been doing an online school for awhile but it really isnt helping me much at all.
I am currently in 9th grade, and I was interested in being normally homeschooled the rest of the semester.
I was talking to my mom about it and she though it was a good idea, but my dad doesnt think so.
He doesnt get exactly what it is. I have been trying to explain, and so has my mom but he still just doesnt get it. So I have a few questions that may help if I know them to make him agree to let me.
1. How do you know what your supposed to teach each year? Like what kind of history/science stuff.
2. How do you know if your ready to go into the next grade AT a public school?
3. I live in Arizona, How would I get a diploma if I finished?!
4. ANYTHING else I should know?? Or tell my dad?? He just doesnt understand it very well..
or any GOOD websights??