
Homeschool Y!A "regulars" - would you like a Yahoo Group???

by  |  earlier

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This is for the "regulars" here at the Y!A HS'ing forum (the ones who are HS'ing, not the trolls!)...

Would you like to be part of a Yahoo Group with others here?

I own and/or moderate several Yahoo Groups. There are times when I'm reading and posting here, where I'd love to have more discussion (and it's hard to put in Q & A form) here with others.

Since I just passed my one-year Y!A anniversary, I feel like I know so many of you already (from reading your Q & A's). I know many of you are most likely on too many 'net boards anyway ;-)...but if there's a handful interested, I'd offer to moderate the group. It'd be invitation only, and not listed in the Y!G directory.





  1. Yes.  

    I am a member of several groups but we have made a connection on Y!A and I would like to get to know everyone a little better.

  2. I'd like to give it a try :)

  3. Sounds great.  How do I join?

  4. Yes I would.   I have learned so much from this forum that I wished I knew when I started homeschooling 6 years ago.  I would have saved myself a lot of grief and expense if I had the benefit of the regulars knowledge and experience.   (Actually I come on here quite often when I am depressed and discouraged and just reading the postings inspires me and gives me strength to go back and fight the good fight.)

  5. We have a local Yahoo Group (several of them actually) with the purpose of information about activities, discussions, etc. Every state seems to have at least one.

    Rather than starting another Yahoo Group, regulars here should take a look at a new homeschool moms website:

    This website is like a MySpace, Yahoo Answers, Blog, Discussion forum, Curriculum Swap, and IM or Chat all rolled up in one. It can become addicting!! I've been spending a lot less time here and a LOT more time at The Homeschool Lounge. Deeper discussions without all the curiosity seekers asking loaded questions.

  6. Count me in.

  7. Gladly!  Send me an invitation!


  8. count me in

  9. Yes! I would appreciate an invitation.

  10. I'd love it!  

    I'd love to be part of it!  There is such a wealth of knowledge here, and getting to communicate with the HS regulars without the trolls, and without questions being deleted would be great.

    Please send me an invite!  (I even enabled my email!  :) )

  11. Ooo!  Most definitely yes!

  12. Yes, please. Send me an invite.

  13. Count me in too! I would love to join the group. I love hearing all of you talk and so many of you have a lot of really good information to give. Please send me an invite!

  14. Sign me up :D

  15. I'd go for that.  It would be nice to talk to some of the great people on here without having to weed through the criticisms and insults!

  16. I would like to join

  17. Yes, I would enjoy that!

  18. no

  19. american idol

  20. Please send me an invite! That would be great.

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