
Homeschool curriculum in Georgia?

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I hear that GA law now says that homeschoolers can get the local curriculum used by public schools for free for their kids. Where can i find out about this? Anyone know?




  1. Are you possibly talking about GVA - Georgia Virtual Academy?

    If you are, then GVA doesn't use the same curriculum as the public schools (it's mainly set up for virtual instruction), but it is a public virtual school - not true homeschooling.

    GVA uses the same curriculum I do as an independent HS'er.  I purchase the curriculum myself as a "Consumer Direct" customer.  It's a wonderful curriculum:

  2. If you want the curriculum that the public school offers, then you will need to get in touch with them.  I'm not sure if that means that your children would still be enrolled in the local school to use the curriculum or if they would be traditional homeschoolers.

  3. There is a virtual home school offered by the state that is free. As your local board of education, and they should be able to help.

  4. Georgia Virtual Academy is not a home school program (technically), although you teach your child(ren) at home.  It does not cost the parents directly as a private school, but the costs to taxpayers is very high.  The child is still part of the public school system.  More answers are found at the website below.

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