
Homeschool help?

by Guest63835  |  earlier

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some of you may have seen questions of me asking about this

now my dad said yes

but he wants me to start this summer

but i want to start now

they only reason he won't let me start now is because i will lose 2 credits

but he knows i want to get out of this school

can any of you help me convince him to let me start now

and no one post any bull **** about stay in school


public school is better and homeschool sucks

i don't want to hear any of it




  1. If you start homeschooling now, you can work on getting those 2 credits in a couple of weeks.   It's really much faster when you are motivated to do it yourself.

    Good luck :D

  2. Is either of your parents qualified to teach?  If not you're going to get a pretty poor education.  If yes (an EdB, at least), then you should start homeschooling as soon as possible.


  4. EDIT:

    and no one post any bull **** about stay in school


    public school is better and homeschool sucks

    i don't want to hear any of it

    actually you wouldnt "hear" any of it, you would SEE it.

    stay in school, you need it.

  5. Tell him you can do homeschool over the summer and make up those credits.  Whatever the course is, you can generally take it from home also.  Credits can be made up, regained, overdone, etc... your peace of mind, your willingness to do the right thing, his job as a parent, role as guide and protector are also to be taken into consideration to make an informed decision.  Some courses can be completed in a shorter amount of time at home if you work harder.  If you're doing a homeschool program you decide when the course is done in order to earn the credits, no loss has to happen.    If public school isn't working for you, then it just isn't working for you and you have options.

  6. i've been homeschooled when i was younger. tell your dad that you want to be able to manage your own time. say you want to get the hang of it so that later on, when you join other activities you'll know how to work things out. if you'll have to go back down a grade or you've already started the year, tell him that if you start homeschooling now you'll be able to catch up with the others. i don't know what you mean by losing 2 credits, though.
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