
Homeschool help <span title="please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!">please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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i would like some information on homeschooling in NY. please help with like how many subjects?how many hours? and stuff like that. i am a10th grader. i only went to school for one semester do i have to provide them with my diploma. do i have to take any test/regents? do i HAVE TO go on trips? stuff like that. where do i register and what do i need to register? please help? is it too much work? what if i fail please help i am a worry freak.please helppppppppppppppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... thanks in advance




  1. Here are the laws for your state

    You can then register with a virtual school or choose your own books and have a parent oversee your education. Either way, you will have fun and get a great education!

    Best of Luck to You!


  2. well am not from ny but in chicago i do homeschooling and the only thing u need to do is call and sign up and they send u the stuff tohrough the mail and u would have to put a deposit down and they will start sending u ur books through the mail and when u finish a exam or something just send it in the provided u with the things u need u do not need to go on trips or anything like that at all  

  3. I just finished homeschool. You have your basic Subjects; english sem1, sem2, social civics, history, algebra, biology, etc. You dont have spanish, or atleast I didnt! All you have to provide to them is a transcript and that is b/c they have to know what subjects you have already taken and they courses you need to take. No there is no testing, all you are required to do is find a accreditted school and call sign up and they require a deposit and then after they recive ur stuff they send you ur first books and exmas, and then most places let you make monthy payments. And you finish ur exam turn it in and when they grade it and send it back then you can go to the next! Well they want you to do that but it take a long time so most ppl just finish the exam and turn them in you dont have to wait on the graded exams. Also, some advice. I am not sure who is teaching if it is just you are your parents etc, but the books and study guide does not always explain things very clear so you might have some trouble b/c I did but luckly my husband is excellant in math so that helped alot. Anyways, hope this helps good luck!

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