
Homeschool moms, what kind of standardized test do you use?

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where do you get it and who administers it? there's one that is made specifically for homeschoolers and can be administered by the homeschooling parent. anyone know the name of it and where it can be purchased?




  1. A local university administers the Iowa Basic each year for homeschoolers...there are several hundred families in our area.  For $35 they proctor a thorough, yet fairly painless test for our kids.

    My son is finishing 5th grade, and as we're not required to test, I haven't had him tested yet...however, I want him to get used to the testing structure so that ACT/SAT/CLEP exams aren't new or confusing, so I'll start having him tested either this year or next.

  2. We use the IOWA test and I administer it myself at my house.

  3. Not a mom but I was home schooled. I liked the Thompson Peterson Publicized text books the best. They were the most factually accurate.

  4. We took the Iowa Test (I took it in sixth grade and one other time, but I don't remember when).  It was administered through our homeschool group but I'm not sure how they got a hold of it.

  5. has released tests from all over the country.  I look for the ones with the hardest math sections, the rest of the subjects usually follow suit.  Massachusetts has had toughest IMHO for last 2 years.

  6. I use the CAT's. I order them from the Family Learning Organization. The tests are administered by me.

    Check them out at

    I like this company because it is owned and operated by homeschoolers and they do not put silly stipulations on who can buy them and administer them. As long as you verify that you are the homeschooling parent you can administer the tests from them.

  7. I have used various tests, usually the MAT or the CAT from  Family Learning Organization.  I administer them myself, which is legal in my state.  I have had my oldest child tested by another person before... I forget which test they used... the results have always been about the same regardless of the test or who administered it though.

    Oh now I remember what tests the proctor used, one time it was the Iowa Test of Basic Skills an another time it was the PASS Test from Hewitt Homeschooling Resources.

  8. We haven't had them tested but we plan to next year. We can go to the public school and pay like $10.00 and they give the Iowa for the grade level they are working in.

  9. We get the CAT E test from Seton (online Catholic homeschooling site), which is a standardized test. I administer it at home and send it back to them to grade.

    Easy! I think it costs $25.00



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