My 11 year old daughter is just not getting what she needs from public education. She failed math in every marking period yet was promoted to sixth grade. She constantly struggles as it takes her a bit longer to grasp concepts. She was tested, and she just squeeked by as not needing exceptional education services. There is no known learning disability. She just needs more focused attention from educators. I'm thinking of pulling her out of public school. She would be home during the day. My sister and her daughter take care of our baby in our home. My sister homeschools all of her children, so she would be there as a resource. My possible plan would be to have lessons for her to complete each day. She would work with her aunt as needed, and I would work with her each evening after work and dinner. Am I kidding myself or would this really work? I just want what is best for my daughter, and I feel like the public school system is setting her up for failure. Thank you!