
Homeschool...please answer!?

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Okay, so im 13 years old and i REALLY want my mom to home school me. I know thats weird. But i have really bad panic attack issues, i get made fun of alot at school, and ever since the divorce my grades have droped really low. like, i was a straight A student now im getting Ds and Fs. mom is thinking abt home schooling me, and i really want her too. I wont have the drama that goes on in school, wont really have to worry about the latest trends, etc. Many ppl i've talked to agree with me. My mom still needs some convincing. If you are home school or do homeschool your child...could you please tell me some of the advantages and disadvantages of it. Why you like it or dislike it. etc. I can show this to my mom and hopefuly it will help. So PLEASE! help me out here! PLEASE!

thanks in advance to everyone who replys!




  1. I am homeschooled and loved it!  The advantages of homeschooling is that you go at your own pace.  Get done sooner than at public school.  I'm doing AP classes so it takes me all day to do my school (that includes studying).  My sister starts at 8 in the morning and ends by noon or sometimes 1:30 depending on the day.  (there are always bad and good days.)  more advantages  of homeschooling are that you can take off days to go play at the park or go to the library or what ever you want to do.  you don't spend all night working on homework so you have more family time/computer time/ reading/etc....  The disadvantages are you don't get to hang out with your friends as much.  but it depends.....We go to a homeschool group so I see my friends every week.  sometimes they come home and stay the night in the middle of the week so thats always nice.

    There are always different advantages and disadvantages for each family.  So it depends on your family

    Hope this helps

  2. OMG I am exactly the same! In my school, the teachers spend half the lesson scolding so we never get anything done.

    Ok, the best way to go about it is probably to do some thorough research and carefully plan out a letter to her on why you want to be homeschooled and also MENTION THE NAMES OF FAMOUS ACHIEVERS WHO WERE HOMESCHOOLED. eg. president woodrow wilson. write that homeschooled children develop the love of learning and self- teaching, something which public schooled students rarely develop.

    Be mature and serious about it, and your mom will see that homeschooling is best for you:)

  3. Well the main advantage for you would be that homeschooling would put you in an environment that would help you work on your panic attacks and improve your grades.

    You could use materials that fit your learning style and your child can learn at his/her own pace.  

    You will have more flexibility because you don't have to deal with school schedule.  Your will have more free time to pursue interests and activities, and do fun projects and field trips, and stay out of a negative environment.

    Here's some information you can share with your mom:


    Pros and Cons:

    Homeschooling vs. Public School:


    Good luck and I hope you feel better!

  4. kk

  5. i know how you feel

    your mom does not have to homeschool you can homeschool urself by doing a virtual online homeschool.

    try this

    they even send you a computer and printer and everthing!

    look into that

  6. Wow!  You have terrific initiative for 13! Great question...I have a daughter who we decided to home school because of test anxiety.  Her course work always demonstrates that she knows the subject, but she crashes on tests.  Fortunately, we noticed this early in her schooling and have home schooled now for 8 years.  

    Just before her 9th grade year, we gave her the option of public high school (where a lot of her friends go) or home school.  She chose home.  Do you know what her deciding factor was? DRAMA!!!  She can focus better on her studies and the subjects she likes during the day and see her friends on weekends and evenings.  Her grades are terrific and testing has such little anxiety involved because she is not comparing herself to anyone else or racing against the school bell.  

    As for your mom, here is a note of encouragement, by the time a child reaches middle school, they have (or should have) all the skills for learning under wraps: reading, writing, research, phonics, punctuation and such.  If there are gaps, those are easily filled in.  If she is worried about the tough subjects, there are so many helps out there now that home education can really be enjoyable to a parent.

    Tell your mom she will be blown away at the relationship you and she will develop. It may be hard at first, but after you take time and talk through the tough moments, you will both communicate better with each other.  Most home educated children are far from the social misfits I thought I would see.  Mature speech patterns, clarity of thought, ability to make decisions and personal responsibility seem to be what I see most.  Oh, they are goons and still make typical teenage blunders, but boy, it's great when situations like that become family learning moments.

    I home educate both my daughter and my son; this year they will be in their sophomore and freshman years respectively.  

    It takes time, a bit of organization and dedication to constructively working through many subjects, topics and challenges... but I wouldn't trade it for anything!

  7. SK8-I am a teacher, I do understand your feelings. I have homeschooled my daughter and have taught other homeschoolers. The most important thing you have to realize-being homeschooled means you have to take control of your education.  Your Mom can't do it all.  You have to prove to her you can be a self-motivated, responsible person.  Homeschooling can rebuild your confidence in yourself as a young man or woman.  Don't plead with your Mom.  Be respectful and lay out your argument carefully.  At home-you wouldn't be exposed to drugs, sexual situations, bullying.  With homeschooling-tell Mom you can get your MoJo back and be a happier person emotionally.

    Hope this helps.  Good Luck.

  8. I think homeschooling is the right choice for you.

    and if its really want you want your mom should understand, try telling her why you want be homeschooled.

    Tell her the reasons you don't like going to school

    then tell her the reasons you want to be homeschooled.

    it will be a big change for you, for the first little while you will probably not know what to do with your time but you'll get the hang of homeschooling. I've been homeschooled all my life and I think it's a good choice for children to be homeschooled. I hope I helped

  9. Hi :) PROS- 1.) Children learn much more in a loving, stable home environment where they can go at their own pace.My children are learning both Hebrew and Mandarin Chinese as well as English.My 4 year old is learning her Hebrew alphabet right along with her English one.

    2.) You can avoid the negative peer influences that are rampant in the government schools.

    3.) No bullying

    4.) If you teach your children yourself, you can teach them the difference between right and wrong. You can greatly influence their moral upbringing , instead of having them guided by a bunch of other children .

    5.) You are raising your children, instead of a bunch of strangers. If your child spends 6-7 hours a day with strangers and only 1 or 2 plus weekends with you, who will really have the most influence in his or her life?

    6.) Homeschooling encourages parent/child bonding which is great for their mental health and emotional well-being.

    7.) Homeschool children generally have more self confidence than their government schooled peers. Which build a person up more - a loving and affirming adult , or a bunch of critical , mocking children?

    8.) Homeschooled children learn to THINK instead of just repeating a bunch of facts that are spoon-fed to them.

    9.) Homeschoolers REMEMBER what they learn. Statistics state that 80% of what is learned in school is forgotten within 5 years of graduation. Children who learn though doing remember what they learn because of their experiments and other hands-on activities.

    10.) Homeschoolers can learn in 2 hours what can take 2 days or more in a public school. This gives them more free time to actually enjoy their childhood.

    11.) No drugs, booze,racism, pornography , or materialistic greed are shoved down their throats at home.

    CONS - I really can't think of any!

    I hope I have been of some help:)

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