
Homeschool ?

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Whats going to happen if u fail ur test for homeschool at end of the year ?




  1. absolutely nothing because homeschool is not a real school

  2. U repeat the grade in summer school or next year

  3. In NY homeschoolers take the same standardized tests as everyone else.

    If you score below the 33rd percentile, you're basically put on probation for a year. Then if you score below the 33rd percentile again, you have to go back to school.

    I've only known of one family to have trouble with this, and the kids are autistic.

  4. It depends entirely on your state's homeschool laws. Here in Florida, if your yearly evaluation does not show that you are performing at or above grade level, you have a year to try again and get up to speed. If you don't make it the second time, you have to return to public or private school.

  5. In NJ we don't have to take any end of the year test.

    In NJ public schools have an alternate way to get their high school diplomas, and many schools (inner city ones in particular) abuse this backdoor way.  They end up issuing diplomas to unqualified kids all the time.  

    I always wondered, if NJ put in a requirement for homeschoolers to take and pass some test, with the penalty being insertion into a public school if they fail - what happens if the same test is failed by public schoolers? Do they then have to be homeschooled to improve?

  6. Again, that depends on whether or not you are homeschooling under a public program.

    It is very uncommon for a good homeschool student to fail any test.   If you are worried about failing then I suggest that you get yourself into the books and study hard.

    Do everything with diligence and a goal of accuracy and truth.  You really can't go wrong if you are studying this way.  Their is no way to fail if you KNOW how to do the work and can obtain a well rounded knowledge base.

  7. In our state you don't need to take a test. We don't do tests in our house.

  8. It depends on what state you live in - every state has their own regulations.  In some states, the test is simply something your parents have you take so they can evaluate and plan for the coming year.  All that will happen is that you will focus more on low-scoring areas next year.  In others, you are required to score above the bottom third (it really shouldn't be that tough to get a 34%) or so.

    Your parents determine whether you pass to the next grade or not - the test doesn't.  They also, along with you, determine your coursework, so that you can work on things you need help in but move ahead where you're ready to.

    Also, in the more "strict" states, your evaluation plays into it - a teacher or other educator goes over a sample of your work from the year to make sure you're progressing as you should.

    And yes, homeschool is a "real school"...but the laws and regulations are different in every state.
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