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k so i have homeschooling and i never do it. ive had it for about a year now i barley have any of it done i need something to help me concentrate on doing it to kinda like push me or something...........please help!!!!




  1. No one can make you do anything; you need to take responsibility for yourself if you want good things for yourself.

  2. The fact you've posted your question shows you believe you could be doing things differently in regards to your homeschool program.  Having your parents involvement and support is key.  Also, see what local homeschool support groups or homeschool co-ops are in your area.  Homeschooling can be one the greatest experiences of your pre-college education, but going at it alone is no fun.  Visit to find your state's support group and they should be able to tell you what local groups are in your area.  Good Luck!

  3. Think of your school work like medication for a serious illness. What would happen if you never took your medication?

    Something similar will happen if you don't sit down and do your work.

    You just have to decide that:

    1) you're worth it,

    2) your future's worth it

    3) it must be done and you'll do it.

    The best thing for most procrastinators is to do the work first thing. As soon as you are out of bed, have had breakfast and are dressed for the day, do your work. Write out the routine and some rules for yourself and post them as reminders. "Work begins immediately after breakfast." "TV is banned until after 3pm." Whatever you see as being important. Since you've barely done any of it, spend at least 6 hours a day on it--3 in the morning, have lunch, then 3 more hours. (Or, if you get up early enough, 4 hours in the morning and another 2, or even 3, in the afternoon.) Once you've done that, you can do whatever you want guilt-free, knowing you've done what needed to be done.

  4. Here's a thought:

    You're a teenager, right?

    You like hanging at Mickey D's with your friends, right?

    You like the cute boys working there? Am I right?

    Wouldn't it be fun to work there?  Hanging out, eating fries with cute boys?  Seeing all your friends come in to visit you while you're working?

    Oops!  Didn't finish high school ... just could not be bothered to push yourself.  So ...  keep working at McD's.

    Gosh, five years have passed.  Never have been able to find another job.  Those boys are still cute but too young to have much fun with.

    Wow, now you are forty years old, still working at McD's.  Your son works at McD's, and loves watching all the cute girls come in to visit him while he is working.  Too bad he never got himself an education; he dropped out of school like his mom.  Oh well, he can always work at McDonalds, right?

  5. Here are some idea's for you, to help you do your school work.

    1. Tell your parents, ask if they will help to keep making sure you are doing your work every day.

    2. Make a fun every day schedule, for example do one subject them start making a creative but healthy snack for about 10 minutes, do another subject then eat the snack, do another subject then take a fun creative arts and crafts break for about 10 minutes. And so on until you have finished your school work.

    3. Ask your other friends to come over and have a school work party once in a while, they can bring there home work, you can do some of your daily work. Don't tell each other answers, but just see who can finish there work first and get the most answers correct, provide refreshments, and afterwards a game of some kind.

    4. If you are having trouble in some subject ask your parents or a friend for some help, NOT THE ANSWERS, just some help.

    5. You may have to work on some of your extra work from the past year on the weekends  or just have longer school hours regular days. But remember you must do everything it takes to get back on track and keep on track. Once you finish catching up you will feel great, and once you finish all school, you will be happy you did it because you will REALLY have a better future!!! Believe me it is worth it!

  6. I am a parent.  I can't MAKE my son do anything.  I can't push him or pull him to make him do his work. He must do it himself.  We are all self-learners.  We will not learn anything that we do not want to learn.

    If you do not want to do your work, there is nothing that we can do to help you.  

    You may want to start looking at career opportunities.  There are a few jobs that you can do without an education.  Most of them are boring, physically demanding jobs.  If you think that you would rather do something interesting and less tiring, you may want to pick up your books and start learning.

    There ya go.  That was your push.

  7. You have to do that yourself.

    Homeschooling works best with self motivated students, otherwise you need to be in a school with a teacher standing over you.

    Or your family needs to take all privillages away until you get caught up!

  8. Well, talk to your parents about going back to public school. Some people just aren't self-starters.

    The other thing is to figure out what you want to do in life, and then design a study plan that will help you get it. Do you want to become a fashion designer? Then sewing would give you a lot of practice with maths, and writing up descriptions would be part of your Language Arts, and drawing the designs would be your art lessons.

    Do you want to be a nuclear physicist? Then figure out what you need to study in order to get into a good physics department in college. As a homeschooler, you can go beyond textbooks, and use the internet and magazines and journals as your source material.

    If you are studying something you really want to learn about, you'll find it's not really necessary to push. But if you are aimless and don't care about anything, you'll find yourself living with your parents until you figure it out.

  9. depending on your personal interests & hobbies, day-to-day activities, job(s) or other commitments in your life, you can  manage your homeschooling more efficiently. firstly, because you're working from home (or anywhere you wish, i imagine), you have the opportunity to find/create a suitable working environment for yourself--pay attention to your likes and dislikes when entering any room or place where you might consider working, to see and understand how things such as lighting, various distractions, surrounding objects and/or people and even scents, temperature or sounds/music affect your mood and concentration level. also, assessing the amount of time you need to accomplish any particular task is crucial in making any deadline. for example, if you're reading a book, try timing your average reading speed (using word per minute), and you could plan out roughly how much time you need to devote to reading in order to complete your book   on a specific date. now, because you probably don't have a teacher, tutor, parent, or anyone else supervising you and your work all the time, it's probably best that you keep an agenda/journal in which you write everything you've completed or have yet to complete, and of course your final deadlines. things like using a calendar, color-coding, page markers, and a clear & simple set of abbreviations (such as "c" for complete "o" for ongoing and "i" for incomplete) can really help you map out your work load, progress, and achievements. if you have a tendancy to lose things quickly and easily, try to keep in mind that writing down every bit of important information (making sure it is neat, precise and pertinent) in your agenda/journal as soon as you start or complete a task, as well as checking your agenda/journal frequently (a half a dozen times daily, if need be) will defenitely help you keep track of where you've placed it and keep you focused and aware of your work. and, as for an extra 'push', consider rewarding yourself with just about anything you love with which you either over-indulge, or entirely deprive yourself of. maybe a well-earned adventurous outing, favorite food, or even a tattoo/piercing, or a slightly frivolous purchase will give you enough drive to get you motivated. just keep in mind, variety generally works wonders and you can't reward yourself too often or too soon, because it might distract you and you could lose the interest or determination you need to complete your homeschooling altogether. keep your rewards listed in your agenda/journal and try to alternate and extend at which frequencies you reward yourself.

    (sorry about the length--hope this was helpful)

    good luck!

  10. I could yell and shout at you but that would not do anything. It is up to you. It is your homework and if your parents are not reinforcing it then it is of your own volition whether or not you do it.

  11. why? a year? where are mom and dad?  if u have problems with concentration there are medications that can help you focus. education is the most important thing u can do for yourself.  one day mom and dad or who ever u live with will no longer be there. u have to think of urself.

    it kinda sounds like u may have given up.  I can see u thinking if your parents are not interested or don't care then why should u?  Well, u have to think of urself.  what u want to do in the future.  take charge of ur life. u can do anything u want!  Learning can be a lot of fun.  I always thought u need to learn something new everyday or the day was wasted.

    Well there are all kinds of possible reasons for falling behind.  maybe u r or have been ill.  it can be overwhemling of the amount of work u have.  take it one lesson or paper at a time.  take care of urself because ur worth it.
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