
Homeschool- questions?

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I'm starting homeschooling for my junior year in high school. Is it possible for me to finish high school in one year?

Also, how will colleges look at me for being home schooled? Some people say they will think good, others say bad.




  1. What a college wants to see in a transcript can vary from one institution to another. I would research what is expected at the college you want to go to or at least what the state university's requirements are and then match your home school year to meet those requirements.

    It is quite possible to meet all the needed credits and courses in one year if you are willing to put the work into it. It may mean accelerating a schedule. for instance, if the university's entrance requirement is that you have two full years of a foreign language and you have none. You will have to double the pace to fit a one year course into a semester and then the second year course into the second semester.

    Source: Home school mom of an 8th grader finishing up or already completed with 1/4 of his high school level courses completed: literary analysis, high school composition, algebra 1 and 2, world history, biology, chemistry, and physics, and a few electives.

  2. Absolutley! You are on your way. Most colleges and Universities love homeschoolers and activiley recruit them.

    Check out the college of your choice online and search their site for homeschool or homeschoolers.

    Best of Luck,


  3. Yes, it is quite possible. I would suggest looking into a community college and seeing if you can go ahead and take your classes there. Here it is called dual enrollment and you can graduate high school with an AA degree if you go about it right.

    Colleges do not have a problem with Home schooled students. Keep a good transcript and your test scores. I know this from several of my friends experiences. They all have kids in or kids that have graduated college and are doing very well.

  4. If you are doing "pure" homeschooling, then yes, it's definitely possible to finish by next summer. Your parents need to figure out if there are any high school diploma requirements that you need to meet and if you work hard, you can finish next year.

    Most colleges will be fine with you having been homeschooled. You should start contacting them now to find out any special requirements they may have for a homeschooled student's admission.
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