
Homeschool student need some help!?

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Im a homeschool student that just does the work assigned. but id like to know is that enough to get into a good college? like as a homeschooler im just goin day in day out with assignments. is there something more i have to do? or the route im on is good?




  1. Look at the requirements of the schools you are interested in attending and make sure you have all the necessary coursework and SAT/ACT scores.  

    Good luck :D

  2. in college you will be expected to take a lot of notes and be able to study those notes that you take.   Note taking is very important for college.  Practice this if possible.   The only other major thing i could think of would be to make sure you can work well with other students.  You will be required to work with partners and groups in college for papers, labs, projects and presentations.  If you are shy you need to try and hang out with some different people to get used to it.  Hope this helps, and good luck with college.  It should be an excellent experience for you.

  3. It depends on how rigorous the assignments are.  If you are just doing the assignments every day, but the assignments are in Calculus, that is going to prepare you for college much better than just doing the assignments every day in Consumer Math.  The same with all of your subjects, if they are college prep courses, the assignments should prepare you academically for college, if not then they won't.

    Now that only addresses academics, but colleges will also look for what kind of all around person you are.  Do you do any extracurriculars?  Do you volunteer?  Do you have a job?  Have you shown initiative and drive at that job?  Do you express yourself well both in speech and in writing?  Have you taken the "hard" electives, such as Foreign Language, or did you skate by with Art appreciation and basket making?  

    The college will want to evaluate you as a person and as a student, they want to see evidence that you are bright, motivated, eager to learn, willing to work hard, generous, and ambitious.  So you need to do things during the High School years that will paint that picture for them.

  4. I don't have many assignments either.  I did go to a homeschool group Called Hearts for Jesus Christ which completely overloaded me with school work.  As long as you can schore well on the SATs at the end of the school year, I wouldn't worry about it too much.  Although, if your scoring on a second grade level, and you're in 10th grade... then there's a problem somewhere. ; ]

    But yeah, don't worry about it too much.

  5. certain tests (ACTs? and SATs?) still have to be taken when you're homeschooled.  a good idea though, is to get accepted to your local comm. college once you reach your jr. year and taking 1 or 2 classes there.  That's what I'm doing next year.  Because it will not only prepare you for what it will be like when you're in college full time, but you can sometimes graduate college early after doing this.

  6. Well what about extracurricular activities, labs, art and music, clubs, sports, evidence of in-deapth, hands-on experiences, field trips, competitions you can enter, etc. As a homeschooler, you have the advantage of having all these opportunities open to you and having much more flexability in your scheduling so that you have time to really ake the most of your education.

  7. No, that is not enough to get into a good college.

    The courses need to be rigorous college prep.

    The admissions folks will want to see two or three (not a whole bunch)  meaningful extracurricular activities (e.g. clubs) where you have demonstrated participation and preferably some leadership.

    They will also want to see some community service.

    You will also, of course, need to take the usual (ACT / SAT) entrance exams.  This will be one of the primary measures for them of what you have learned and a predictor for them of how well you will do in college.

    Colleges (esp. top colleges) want students from diverse backgrounds who are bringing something to their campus besides just book learning.

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