
Homeschool students: Would you join a national homeschool student newspaper staff?

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Multiple questions, really:

1) If you could join the staff of a national homeschool student run online newspaper, would you?

e.g. Editor, reporter, illustrator, photographer, etc.

2) Would you take it seriously?

3) In what extracurricular activities do you participate?




  1. 1.) yes

    2) yes

    3.) music lessons, work, youth group

  2. I'd be a reporter, and I know I'd really love it. Do you know if anyone will start such a thing?

    2) Of course I'd take it seriously, I love writing, and I've always taken it very seriously (except when the criticism part comes along and I take it very sadly :D)

    3) I'm sorry, but I don't really understand the meaning of this one, maybe you could get back to me?

    My mom does a lot of writing and helping homeschoolers, and I'd like nothing better than to follow in her footsteps.

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