
Homeschool to PUblic <span title="School?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...?">School?????????!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by Guest59082  |  earlier

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hi, i am a homeschooled freshman in highschool, and want to go back to public school, my pop tells me everyday that we are doing more work then kids in outside schools do. then when i tell him i want to go back he tells me the work is doubled there. Which is it harder.???? How can i tell him i want to go back, i dont have the best of grades now, when i was in public school, i was top of my class straight A honorroll student. He keeps saying"if grades dont come uo i might have to put you back in oublic schools", my grades havent gotten better and i am still homeschooled, please help me get to a public school, and the question which is harder public, or homeschooled.




  1. You cannot compare the two on that note.

    In public school you will have to spend an average of 6 to 7 hours in the school building going from class to class; depending on the teacher you may, or may not be able to cover the materials needed to pass the class, and since very little time can be spend on new material, or going over the previous much homework is given for you to study at home independently.

    Home schooling gives you the opportunity to do the same with guidance of your parents, and work at your own pace during the day giving you much more time for other activities since you do not first spend all these hours in a school, and then still have 3 to 4 hours of work to do at home for the next day.

    Looking at it from that point of view public school is much more work, but not in content, or quality but rather in busy work, or work not finished during school hours that than has to be taken home; taking up most of the time that should be spend as a family.

    Home schooling leaves your evenings, and weekends free since you have plenty of time to do your work during the day, or any other time that works best for the home schooled student, since we can adjust our times to fit our family, and work schedules.

    Compared neither one is harder, or easier for that matter; home schooling is just more efficient, and one has the freedom to choose classes that matter, or are directly related to what the student would like to study.

  2. public school is only harder because you have to keep up with the teacher and the class.  They have to cover a specific amount of ground in a given day and if you fall behind too bad.

    In homeschool yu can re-cover the ground and take things at your own pace.

    The only advantages to a brick school is the potential for more equipment, labs for chemistry, physics, biology, student radio station, newspaper, yearbook.

    if the school doesn&#039;t have that then there is no great advantage.

  3. try studying really hard this year in homeschooling. when it comes to your end of the year test, try testing for the advanced classes in high school. my friend did and she made (i am homeschooled to.) show you father how responsible you can be this year, though, and just work really hard. Pulic is has its pros and cons, same with homeschooling. theres strange and nice people, even weird people, trust me, i&#039;ve been there!

  4. That is an unanswerable question.  It depends on what kind of homeschooling you are doing.  When you are asking which is harder, are you referring to academics, or the routine of going to school, or the extracurricular activities, or relationships with other students?  

    It also depends on the type of curriculum your parents are providing you with.  

    It would be my guess that the academic work is harder at home, but I presume you do it in a far shorter length of time than public schools.  So, you have more time to yourself to apply yourself in other endeavors (such as a job, volunteer work, or additional classes or sports).

    I know that public schools may seem like a better way out right now (grass is always greener, isn&#039;t it?), but your parents really are making the best decision for you (whatever that may be).


  5. If you tell your father that you want to go back to public school you should be able to.  Seriously talk to him.  Tell him you&#039;re not happy being schooled at home.  Really think about why you want to go to public school so you have leverage.  

    What is harder?  That question can not be truthfully answer.  Home schooled parents are not (at least my mom isn&#039;t) trying to trump out the public school.  We use all kinds of different curriculum&#039;s.  I like being home schooled.  If I ever told my mom or my dad that I wanted to go back to public school they would welcome it.  I have a lot of friends that are in public school and they are good people.  My mom and dad think the world of them.  

    One thing I noticed about my parents is that they do not &quot;public school bash&quot;.  They don&#039;t take any guff about homeschooling either.  In the end it&#039;s all about getting a good education.  Public school graduates can turn out to be very successful and so can home schooled students.  You can do well anywhere as long as you apply yourself.  Good Luck to you, I hope you get to go back to public school.

  6. If your an evangelical you probably haven&#039;t got much hope. (Forgive me for my presumption your american. The term &quot;freshman&quot;) This is going to sound to easy and basic but you have to tell him to sit down becaue you have something important to say. Put on your serious face and stay in that mode. Pretend your speaking to someone else, I think that may help. Don&#039;t be flippant and don&#039;t let him interrupt you. Make sure you say what you need to and hopefully he will listen. Home school  is harder in my opinion. If your mum isn&#039;t around (sorry) he might be homeschooling you for the wrong reasons.

  7. i would say that  the hardest way is the way that will make you a stronger person  and maybe you should talk to  your pop about that.

  8. Well I can&#039;t answer about which is harder, I was homeschooled myself. But I&#039;d guess that your dad might be more nervous about the social aspect of public school then the academic end of it. Maybe you could bring it up to him, ask him what he really thinks about it, and why.Public school can be a harsh place.

  9. It&#039;s impossible to answer that question. Each family homeschools in a different way. Without knowing what work you are doing and what is being done in the public schools where you live, it&#039;s just impossible to say which is harder.

    Call up the high school you&#039;d be going to, ask them about transferring into public school, what would be required, would the work you&#039;ve done this year count, would you be able to start whenever it is you want to start, etc. Get all the information you need. Then just ask your dad. Tell him you&#039;ve looked into it. Also tell him that you just feel the structure of schools would work better for you. Then offer to have a trial period at school--if your grades aren&#039;t better after that trial period, you agree to come home.

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