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im homescooled im curintly in modeling and my mom is starting to work now she is a maid at sherton hotel in stockton...... should i stay homeschooled or go to public school




  1. stay home.

  2. Are you blonde? You can't spell currently so I'm just guessing

  3. Home! u r much safer and Are lss likely to become peer dependent adn into the wrong crowd~

  4. I love home school, but I do all my schooling online my parents dont teach me. I would stay being home schooled.

  5. You'll have a lot more time to travel and pursue your modeling career if you are at home.  Do your work in a couple of hours and model from lunch on.....

    My children always had their work done early and then worked a job.

  6. depends on your age and maturity and the willingness to strike out on your own...homeschoolers are great at teaching themselves at some point (later high school) and can learn a lot but if you are younger...don't know what the best would be

  7. Absolutely stay at home.

    The government is investing a lot of money in homeschool/

    Soon enough the majority of the people from the future generations will be homeschooled.

    It already works like that in Japan for most people -- it really is a lot safer and you're better able to concentrate on your materials.

    There's lots of messing around at school, and you really aren't that productive. If you're studying at home you will definitely be making the most of it.

    Hope that recommendation helps, for I myself am being homeschooled and I know how complete the materials are.

    p.s. I also know a lot of people who are studying at home, and they'd say the same.

  8. It really depends on what you feel is appropriate. A lot of people, will disagree with me, but public school has many advantages at well. If you need a lot of structure, then it may be easier for you to be in a public school. Not all kids in school are bad, it may be a bit of a culture shock if you've been home schooled your entire life, but you could learn a lot in a public school too. Always remember, that their are good people and good teachers in the public school system too..don't worry about safety. It's the schools job to keep you safe!!

    With your modeling career, it may be easier to stay home, but at the same time, if your mom is keeping regular hours and you need her to take you to class, then it really doesn't matter whether you are at school/whether you are at home.  

    It's really up to you..whatever you feel is best for your education is what you should do.

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