
Homeschooled want to go back to public?

by Guest58463  |  earlier

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I've been homeschooled for 2 years and want to go back to public school to finish up my senior year. I failed one year cause I was in the hospitial and fell behind, so I wouldn't really know anyone, plus I'm really shy. Would I have any trouble getting back in? Or should I just continue with homeschooling?




  1. If you think you are ready; why not pub school; pub school will help your skills; it does not mean that they will be nice to you all the time but this will help you manage social skills- we all need it.  It means welcome to human race course. Goodluck!

  2. I really do not support homeschooling, but I do understand your case. Do what you feel comfortable with. I would suggest attending public school simply because it is easier to get into college with a public/private high school education. However, I had a friend who was homeschooled for about... 4 or 5 years. She came back to public school her senior year and ended up getting her GED because it was too much for her to handle. If you think you can take the course load and the 8 hours of classes, go for it. School is for education, not friends. I know friends make it easy to make it through the day, but even so, your education is much more important.

  3. why    you   won't    learn    anything  there    exept    how   Al Gore  and  Brecks girl  [  John Edwards  ]    are  our  "  Real  "  Leaders   with  FAKE   Global Warming  S***    i mean  really  you think  mose farts is are bad for the earth????

  4. continue w/ homeschooling.  i recall a kid we had that transferred into pub. school after being homeschooled.  didn't last a week.

  5. I would suggest you continue homeschooling and find other avenues for overcoming shyness and making friends.  If you go back to public school, you would have to adjust to their coursework and schedule.  You'd also have to make sure all your credits would transfer.

    Here are some ideas for activities you could take part in:

    You could also volunteer, find an apprenticeship or get a job.

    There are co-ops available for homeschoolers that would allow you to take some classes outside of the home, but still avoid some of the negatives of public school.

    You could also take classes at a local community college.

    Good luck making a decision!

  6. For the love of God, STAY OUT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS!!!!!

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