
Homeschooler in dire need of friends!?

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I am doing homeschool. And i really love it! But i need friends!!! What should i do?!?!?! Please help!




  1. Since you don't have a real gym class when you home-school, maybe you join a community sports teams. Baseball, basketball, soccer, volleyball ect. You'll be meeting new people your age and having fun while doing it.

  2. Here are the things my kids do-

    take dance

    join the firefighters explorer program

    join civil air patrol

    volunteer at the library

    join a church group

    if you already do those things, get more involved-organize game nights, sleepovers, movie nights, etc

  3. Church youth groups are where I made most of my friends before I got my first job. If you aren't religious, then extra curricular activities are a must. Join a softball league or something.

  4. get involved with other homeschoolers, because they need friends too and they won't just always hang out with people they know from school (that can happen a lot at non-homeschool things) Also, maybe don't always look for friends that are exactly your age. I really like the fact that I have a lot of friends that are older or younger than me and I know a lot of the adults from my church really well.

  5. Each of my kids have selected friends from different sources.

    My oldest son selected his friends mostly from our homeschool co-op. They have had some grand LAN parties over the years. It has been hard the last two years as they all go their separate ways to different colleges, but they still stay in e-mail contact and still arrange a LAN party or two over the summers. My son has established new friendships with his professors, co-workers, and other students at the college he attends.

    My daughter found most of her friends through our church youth group and the online forums that she runs - oh, and Facebook. Our church youth group is always on the go doing something in town or off in other states. People that I don't even know don't call me Mrs. Moore so much as they refer to me as my daughter's mom. LOL

    My third, is really enjoying friendships he has made through his live, online homeschool classes and his forums. He hasn't found the youth group to be of much interest nor has he found many in the homeschool group with his passion for computers. So online friendships seem to be scratching the itch for common interests at the moment.

    My youngest has found most of his friends in the neighborhood; though, his best friend is in the homeschool group but a fair dive away. He is in an online class with her every weekday though, so they stay in pretty regular contact.

  6. Get involved in extra curricular activities

    In my state it is mandatory that home schooled children do a certain amount of volunteer work

    Find out what you like and what you are good at and go for it

    You'll be meeting people your own age that have the same interests as you

  7. lol Well, there are tons of things you can do!  You can join a sports team(either at a public school or YMCA), make friends with neighbors(if you have any or any your age), volunteer service, etc.... There are so many things you can do to make friends! You just have to look at your options =) Hope this helps! Good luck!

  8. I could be your friend?I have none.

  9. You could get involved in a good church youth group !!    I know you need friends, bless your heart.  I would seek out a good, Bible teaching church, check to see if they have a youth program, and then get involved.  You might want to try out several church youth groups before you find some good buddies.  BEST WISHES to you.

  10. wait, u need friends, or your kid needs them?

    if u need them, go to a site that is all about homeschool, and find ppl who u would like to hang out with. if your kid needs them, depending on the age, have him/her go to places where other kids their own age go, and let him go crazy.

  11. Sports teams

    Sports lessons (swimming, for example)

    Working out at a gym that has a teen class (I'm assuming you're a teen)

    Community programs for kids your age (Scouts, cooking lessons, volunteer opportunities, exercise/martial arts classes)

    Homeschool group activities which range from field trips to clubs to parties

  12. See if there are any other home schoolers in your area.  Maybe you all could go on field trips together or something.  Join a club, go to church, etc.

  13. get a job and kick it with your co-workers, or join some kinda special interests class or whatever, its not hard to make friends

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