
Homeschoolers, have you seen this re: CA HS'ing?? State Superintendent's Statement?

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March 11, 2008


SACRAMENTO - State Superintendent of Public Instruction

Jack O'Connell announced today that the California Department of Education has completed a legal review of the February 28 California Court of Appeal ruling regarding home schooling. O'Connell issued the following statement:

"I have reviewed this case, and I want to assure parents

that chose to home school that California Department of Education policy will not change in any way as a result of this ruling. Parents still have the right to home school in our state.

"Every child in our state has a legal right to get an education, and I want every child to get an education that will prepare them for success in college and the world of work in the challenging global economy.

"As the head of California's public school system, I hope that every parent would want to send...




  1. I think I like Mr. O'Connell.

    It is great that he emphasizes what is right and best for the children over other concerns or agendas.

    Kudos to him.

  2. Yes, we saw it last night, following on the heels of the Governor's statement that the ruling was outrageous.

    There is strength in numbers, folks.  This is a movement that will not be stopped - because it works.

    I, too, hope the fear mongering will now stop.

  3. Thanks HS mom

    He also said

    "Please rest assured about a number of things. First, the law, other than this court's interpretation, hasn't changed. Parents involved in a truancy prosecution might face criminal charges, but only after a rather lengthy series of hearings and court orders, and only if the parents failed to comply with the orders. It would be a criminal contempt charge, which isn't nothing but doesn't land you in Pelican Bay.

    We have never known conscientious parents ever to be prosecuted under truancy laws to the point of contempt charges. It's highly unlikely.

    The media also appear to be saying that no one can teach their children without a credential. I am not certain that the holding is that broad, and I also doubt it would survive legal challenge."

  4. Yes, got the e-mail update.

    As far as the fear-mongers stopping. It won't happen. Continue to focus your attention on being the best parent to your children.

    People hold different values, some feel it is best to be a friend to their children, instead of a parent. Children are allowed and encouraged to make their own choices (often without guidance.)

    Be Blessed.

    Look out for a post that I am about to send, that clearly shows why we choose to homeschool.


  5. Yes, and I posted earlier a querry about what those resource are for CA homeschoolers - haven't seen any responses so I guess he was just blowing smoke.  

    Good to hear though - you know the public schools can't handle a sudden influx of hundreds of thousands of homeschoolers!

  6. ..No I haven't heard,...What was the case?

    Do you have a case?

    I know my head is echoing ,

    Global Economy,.......

    PARDON ME,  My questions are sincere.   I am , for what it's worth, "pro-home schooling".  

    I am only viewing a summary.  What the heck was the argument against home schooling?

    Thank you for all your efforts and good luck with that.

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