
Homeschoolers: Are you a member of HSLDA and have you ever needed legal help from them?

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HSLDA: Home School Legal Defense Association




  1. Yes, a member.

    Once I ran a form required by my district by the HSLDA atty.

  2. We were members from the beginning.  I have nothing but good things to say about HSLDA. We called them several times from preschool to college issues.  When the kids were little and we didn't go to the kindergarten roundup, I started getting calls from the school because they knew we had a small child. (small community here where everyone knows everyone).  Later I received letters from the school demanding they approve curriculum and test, so I gave them to HSLDA.  The first quarter of school, the public school actually sent a report card with Incompletes in all subjects, and 45 days of absence.  We didn't even attend public school. That was faxed to HSLDA who got all over the public school about it.

    Later even when the kids started going off to college small things would come up about college admittance or scholarships that I called HSLDA about. One time when all my children were younger, I was approached by a policeman because a concerned citizen saw we were at the park rollerblading during the day not in school. (I told him it was PE)  All these were small things, but HSLDA advised me or sent letters for me about them and many more. I have nothing but good things to say about HSLDA.

    Plus there is this certain satisfaction that comes when they send one of those forceful letters telling the school to "BACK OFF" or else.  They say it so firmly, but with a hint of warning that they will not tolerate the school harassing their members at all.  It just gives you this satisfaction of wanting to jump up and down saying, "yeah, you take that you bullies"

    So often when homeschoolers deal with public school authorities themselves the homeschoolers feel fear and intimidation.  This completely turns the table because HSLDA tells them they will not tolerate harassment to their members.  It's like having a big brother standing over your shoulder glaring down the town bully while you stand up for your rights.

    I love HSLDA.

  3. I am not.  If I am not mistaken, when I started homeschooling years back, they defended mainly the religious rights of homeschoolers, but not necessarily homeschooling itself.  I also seem to remember a statement of faith to join.. but maybe I'm imagining that :p

    At any rate, it seems to have since changed.

    Since that is the case, and with what is happening to homeschoolers in CA, I will probably join soon and give them my support.

    I have never needed legal support due to homeschooling.

  4. I think we are and they can get Diplomas for Homeschoolers

  5. Not yet, but we will be joining up by October when our affidavit is due.

  6. Not yet but we will be joining HSLDA in May!

    Haven't needed any defense and hope I don't but I am very

    confident that they will do a great job if it ever is needed! They have a good record!

  7. No and No.

    I will never join HSLDA.  It is *not* "homeschooling insurance" that so many think it is.  They have some very conservative views like the one that women can't be lawyers (and thus, not work for them).  They are against virtual public schools.  They are against, and for, sooooo many things that have NOTHING to do with HS'ing.

    Here is a GREAT place to read up about HSLDA before you throw your hard-earned $100/year at them.

  8. No, we're not members. The way our regulations currently are, there's no need for us to be. If they ever changed to be less favourable, then I'd consider it. But as it is, we've got the GOVERNMENT telling people who call in complaining about "truant" homeschoolers that homeschooing is a legal option and there are many ways for it to be done and yes, kids are allowed to be out and about during the day. :) They also assure the people that they do keep tabs on us (although it's minimal, it's there, and part of the reason it's there is to keep things "calm" and avoid legal stuff).

    I also have issues with the Canadian website and some of the information on there. They did not update our regulations when they were legally changed and I found their information about the former regulations VERY biased; made it sound like where I live is a horrible place to homeschool. In fact, it's great. We've had people from other provinces move here, be a little overwhelmed by the regs, but once they catch on, they actually find it totally reasonable!

  9. No. I will not give money to HSLDA. While I find the information they post helpful, they are stridently anti-g*y rights. They are far too political and religious a group for my taste. If I ever need legal representation, I'll just have to stick with a local lawyer.

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