
Homeschoolers: How did you spend your New Years Eve?

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We watched a bunch of Twilight Zone episodes, played a VERY long game of Risk, ate corned beef and cabbage and black-eyed peas for "good luck."




  1. My girls set up a party with snacks and games, the boys grilled out chicken and veggies. We played MarioKart on the gamecube, guitar hero III on the wii, watched The Simpsons Movie, played Dicecapades and Would You Rather with the older kids, Candyland and Chutes and Ladders with the younger kids, played charades, had livestreaming news from Australia and London for New Years countdowns. Then at midnight central standard time, we went outside, set off fireworks, came in and toasted the new year with sparking grape juice.

    Then we played GHIII for another hour and then shut it down since we had a new years party today with all of our friends. (What?! Homeschoolers have friends?! bwahahaha) They just all left so we're preparing dinner and I'm checking emails.

  2. We watched the Law and Order marathon on TV.

  3. We went to my aunt's wedding.   Her husband passed away a couple year's ago and she's now got a second chance on love.  

    What a great way to bring in the new year.  :)

  4. Hubby, Son and I played Blurt... ate pizza, watched the Peach Drop and then watched food network until 3am... actually we had a lot of fun even if we didn't get much sleep! A lot of laughter and  a great time together as a family.

  5. well we did a secrete santa thingy and all my cousins wer there and i did the folowing

    1) well i played guitar hereo 3

    2) made some bets

    3) from £20.00 i made £43.00

    4) didnt sleep the whole night

    5) drank 5 cups of coffee

    6) opend my presents

    7) gave my presents

    8) set of fire works

    9) and then i slept at 9 am i stayed up the latest and won £20.00

    and thats it

  6. my 3 year old son, my 5 year old daughter and i sat at home and watched the ball drop and toasted to the new year with sparkling grape soda(non acholiac).  thats the best place i could have been on new years eve.  happy new year.

  7. For two days running New Years Eve, and on  New Years day, home school families, and their friends got together with their children; from babies to young adults, and their children's friends for potlucks, games, and lots of fun.

  8. I was stuck away from my friends, but I was with my immediate family, aunt and uncle, and my cousin and his wife. They got married in October and are really adorable, always snuggling.

    We argued about politics (what with my username and everyone else being a socialist, it was pretty fun even though I thought I was going to bite my tongue off a few times) until 11:58, then headed in to the living room to watch the ball drop in Times Square. I don't know why anyone would want to be there, but I don't understand a lot of things :P. Anyway, all the married people kissed exactly when the ball went down. I spent about 15 minutes being lonely and thinking about my boyfriend -we've been together for over a year, and I haven't seen him in two weeks- but then I got a call from him, so I cheered up a lot. Went back to my family, and we booed all of the New Years concerts.

    At about 2 AM we decided to try and watch the Hitchcock movies my mom got for Christmas, but since everyone was kind of hammered and the audio quality sucked, we ended up making fun of it until we all fell asleep.

    Good times.

  9. We've been moving and my bad back is out because of it so we just kind of zoned out last night.

    I took a nap because we were moving all weekend and I was exhausted; the kids played video games and with play dough. We watched a mythbuster marathon when I woke up, the kids went to bed early, I got on the pc and did some writing.

    A very uneventful holiday when moving is involved.

  10. last year on New years i was homeschooled and I just spent it with my family! nothing is better than that.. I go to public school today and i did just the same.. we go out when the clock strikes twelve and bang pots and pans.. it's awzumm (:

  11. Our son spent night at neighbor's house with several friends. (OH MY WORD! I just realized that I actually let him SOCIALIZE with public school kids! Gasp! I hope they didn't do anything that wasn't religious!)(smile)

    I played Gold Miner online and occasionally read questions and answers on Y!A.

    My husband was working on our major reconstruction of living room.

    We had our greens, blackeyed peas seasoned with ham and cornbread for our lunch today.  Yum!Yum!

  12. I read a book.

  13. Hung out with a bunch of other homeschoolers, so we had a whole mess of kids and adults of all ages having a great time :) There were some public schoolers there too - the kids all got along - how amazing ;)

  14. Let's see.......

    Slept in late, monitered daughter's temp (she's very sick right now), cleaned the house, made homemade Chicken Noodle Soup and watched a marathon of Country Fried Home Videos (it's AFV redneck style).

    I hope you and everyone else had a Safe and Happy entrance into the New Year (this should be fun as it's a leap year on top of Election year).

  15. We Watched

    Twilight Zones Episodes


    Possum Day Marathon


    Ate Ham

    And Watched Fireworks Outside

  16. We watched Narnia and went to sleep early...boring, I know :-)

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