
Homeschoolers & Spring: Are you planning a planting unit this year and need ideas?

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Hi homeschoolers. I was wondering if you have any links to share with me, about planting a garden. I have some to share with you and this is a cool way to exchange them.

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Thanks...lets start sharing

I have one to start...

This site has some really interesting YOU TUBE videos for growing seeds. It also shows time lapsed photography, for the seeds growing, which is GREAT for showing your family how the seeds start and grow.

Thanks.... and be blessed.

Tracy...homeschooler of one, 9 year old boy.

Our plans this summer include: (we just moved Nov. 1st last year) preparing the ground for a veggie garden/patch

And for getting our flower beds ready. Then planting our seedlings, which we are going to be planting in peat pots soon!

What plans do you have?



Thank you!




  1. I recently started a garden project. I ned to research and come up with three that produces something we can consume (either use or eat), one that will help the environment in some way, and one of my own choosing. All three need to be able to grow near eachother without harming one another, and need to be able to grow in our Florida climate. I've got a few ideas, and i'm gathering seeds now. I'm hoping to plant some flowers as well that will ttract butterflies and hummingbirds so that I can study the two more closely than I'm able to now.

    I plan on putting out bird feeders as well, and continuing what I've been calling the Nesting Diary, a journal of photographs, drawings, and written observations and research notes I've made after finding (and i'd like to think befriending) a bird last fall whose nest was blown out of a tree. I got into the habit of climbing her tree in the morning and sitting there as still as can be until she comes back, then just watching her rebuild her nest. I've been observing her from a far ever since and have learned a lot about the behaviors of certain birds. I plan to continue studying her through the sping and summer, but from a greater distance so as not to interfere with mating or the raising of children.

  2. How great....

    We found many Spring themes for my 1st grader at   you join the site but it is free and alot of resources.

  3. Thanks!  

    We're planting a butterfly garden this year.

    I'm going to bookmark your site.  It looks great!

    If you know of any new homeschoolers who need info, you may want to check out

    I have many ideas on there for lifestyle learning.  I may add your site to my section on teaching science.

  4. My husband and I were talking of starting an herb garden. Small enough to tend easily yet large enough that if the neighbors take a few leaves here and there we will still have plenty. We live in a trailer park so it's not like I could stop them even if I wanted too. We are planning to buy the little plants instead of starting from seed so that the lawn guy can tell that it's deliberate and not cut down our plants (don't laugh it happened last year). We're also going to plant tomatoes, garlic and onions.

  5. We are planning on doing something called "lasagna" gardening. It's intensive gardening with a very quick start and minimal prep time for the soil. I'm not one who's into heavy digging and this cuts out a lot of the grunt work. We'll contrast this with other methods such as intensive gardening (The4 Foot Garden). Less work, more fun and learning is my goal.

  6. We are going to plant between 10 and 20 black walnut trees.  The idea is that we will keep our land for a long long time... by the time our grandkids go to college we will be able to fund their education with timber from the walnut trees.

    We are also going to plant a couple of American Chestnut trees - they are all but extinct...

    American Chestnut Foundation - don't have the site but very searchable for anyone interested.

    ***UPDATE: We would love to have a small greenhouse but that is not in the budget right now.

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