
Homeschoolers and Parents, what do you think of this??

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I've been studying Chemistry this year, and while I've done a number of simple labs, I really want to supplement my lab work. I am blind, and so in the public schools I was attending, I wouldn't have been able to (allowed to) participate in a lot of laboratory experiences (long story). I really want to take full advantage of the opportunities I have to study science in deapth and really dive into it and try and learn as much as possible.

Has anyone used the microchem kit on the above website? Is it any good? Did you find it to be challenging? (I don't want anything too easy.) Do the lessons reflect any religious views? (don't want that either). Is it worth the cost? And is there anything else you can tell me about it? Thanks a bunch.




  1. I haven't, but looking at the equipment it seems to be a good deal. The chemicals included implies in depth study of chemistry...I would jump on it.

    It doesn't read as a religious view point. Thanks for sharing the link.

  2. I wouldn't say its not religious because it states that the program is correlated with Abeka, Apologia, Bob Jones and another program all of those are faith based.

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