
Homeschoolers...suggest any good reading material for 9th grade?

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My daughter writes quite a few book reports a year and I need to have her read two more books. I'd like to hear others favorites. She reads on a 9th grade level. Thanks!




  1. Here are some of my 9th grade son's reads since end of 8th...

    Title: Traveller

    Author: Richard Adams

    Genre: History Fiction

    Date Published: 1988

    Description: The Civil War from the eyes of Lee’s horse.


    “ Brave man and brave horse riding together into battle – the way each depended on the other, was sensitive to the other, even communed with the other – is one of the memorable and moving stories of the Civil War.”

    Title: A day in the life of Ivan Denisovich

    Author: Alexander Solzhenitsyn

    Genre: History Fiction

    Date Published: 1963

    Description: What a day is like in a Soviet Union prison camp.


    “ Solzhenitsyn’s book describes one day in that camp, one day no better and no worse than any of the other three thousand six hundred and fifty two days of Ivan’s sentence.”

    Title: Foundation Series

    Author: Isaac Asimov

    Genre: Science Fiction

    Date Published: 1951

    Description: A man named Hari Seldon creates the “Foundation” on an arid planet, and this Foundation will supposedly save the galaxy from 29,000 years of suffering.

    Quote: “ Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent ”

    Title: The Greatest Salesman in the World

    Author: Og Mandino

    Genre: Fiction

    Date Published: 1968

    Description: The story of how 10 scrolls changed a amateur salesman’s life.

    Quote: “ Wealth, my son, should never be your goal in life. Your words are eloquent but they are mere words. True wealth is of the heart, not of the purse.”

    Title: Jonathan Livingston Seagull

    Author: Richard Bach

    Genre: Inspirational Fantasy

    Date Published: 1970

    Description: A story about a seagull who thinks there is more to life than eating and sleeping.

    Quote: “ We can be free. We can learn to fly.”

    Title: The Old Man and the Sea

    Author: Ernest Hemingway

    Genre: Fiction

    Date Published: 1952

    Description: A weathered old Cuban fisherman, named Santiago, is having really bad luck with his fishing trips. Little did he know that he would be on the tail of the biggest fish he’d ever seen in his life.

    Quote: “Que Va”, the boy said. “There are many good fishermen an some great ones. But there is only you.”

    Title: How to win Friends and Influence People

    Author: Dale Carnegie

    Genre: Nonfiction

    Date Published: 1936

    Description: Dale Carnegie gives you valuable tips on how to make good impressions and befriend even your mortal enemies.

    Quote: “ As much as we thirst for approval, we dread condemnation” – Hans Selye

    Title: The City and the Stars

    Author: Arthur C. Clarke

    Genre: Science Fiction

    Date Published: 1953

    Description: In all the Earth, all that is left is one immortal enclosed city. All of Earth is barren desert. Can one curious man change that?

    Quote: “ Who knows what lies out there in Space? The Invaders may have left the Universe, but there may be other intelligences unfriendly to man.”

    Title: Animal Farm

    Author: George Orwell

    Genre: Fiction

    Date Published: 1946

    Description: Written during WWII, this book describes how a government can turn silently into a communist state, and it takes place on a farm from some animals’ point of view.

    Quote: “ All Animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”


    I didn't type all that in... my son keeps a running bibliography of the books he has read.

  2. One of my favorite books is "The Red Queens Daughter" By Jacqueline Kolosov (I think that's how you spell her last name.) It's a really good book that i really enjoyed!

  3. Try these folks.

    Jazzy's correct, Sonlight is great too.

  4. You may want to check out Sonlight's catalog for a list of good books:

  5. well, if she is younger than 15 but older than 11 then that means that she enjoys reading by her own, but don't force her to read or to write, she can do it on her own if she really loves it

  6. How bout: Stepping Heavenward, Little Women. Great books!

  7. I'm in 10th grade. When I entered 9th grade my parents really encouraged me to read books that made me think, not just fun  stories (although some books have both). Tolkien is my favorite. Ancient Greek myth books I really enjoyed too. The Miracle work (Helen Keller), The Children of Hurin, Odysseus, Socrotes, The early history of Rome, Plutarch's lives, Histories... (those last two books were a little difficult).

  8. Here's a whole bunch of reading lists for you.  

    The choices very much depend upon your child and her interests.

    Be well.

  9. i'm in year nine and i love jacqueline wilson books exspecailly the teen one's the best one is love lessons

  10. Sonlight is an awesome place to find books for the grade level. they even list all of the books for what ever course you are looking for so that if you want you can look elsewhere. If you order more than 100.00 of materials from them you get free shipping. We have our entire curriculum from them and love it . My daughter has enough books to read for a year and not get through them all! Other people have mentioned it so I won't put the site in again!

  11. Michael Crichton's last two books are are about both current issues to think about, and are good stories. State of Fear, and Next. State of Fear being about the politicization of science, and Next being about genetics and copyright. They're popular fiction and easy reads, but also open up things to think about.

    Dune, and The Lord of the Rings are known as probably the best sci-fi and fantasy novels respectively. The Dark Tower by Stephen King is my favorite series (its not a horror series).

    Life of Pi is a wonderful book.

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