
Homeschoolers: what constitutes a spectacular week for your family?

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I am interested in exploring the values of other homeschool families and comparing them to my own.

This week has been spectacular to us, because my daughter completed her math lessons for the year ahead of schedule and fairly glowed with pride at her martial arts belt ceremony. I’m also moved that she has chosen to wake early this and next week and even worked half a day today in order to play with her friends during the week. They are on spring break. She had hers earlier. So, she’s making sure to meet my requirements, without giving up her time with friends.




  1. A spectacular week for us need not necessarily mean that we get everythign accomplished (though we usually do) or do more than we had planned.  Things turn spectacular for me when we have those "Aha" moments-something that has taken a lot of hard work finally clicks.  You other homeschoolers know what I mean.  We had that last week (my nearly 8 year old son despises handwriting, and it has always been a struggle to get him to do it at all, much less do it neatly.  Last week, he sat down and within a reasonable amount of time turned in an absolutely beautiful handwriting sample).

  2. Interesting question. I can certainly look back on a week and say that we did a lot of going out activities, or dd mastered a new skill, but spectacular isn't a word I feel comfortable with. Busy maybe.

  3. I'm going to answer this from my son's perspective rather than the whole family...

    Last summer, he had a grand adventure.

    He flew, by himself, to Orlando and attended a week-long science and tech camp at Walt Disney World.  The kids got to pick and choose their learning activities and literally had the run of the park.  Some of what my son did was a learning session with Disney Imagineers in a sound studio, a back scenes tour of Tower of Terror and related discussion of the physics of thrill rides.  His camp counselor even talked him into riding it twice!

    We could see that his self-confidence was boosted a bit from this week of independence and by overcoming / facing his fear of flying alone and into the unknown.

    This June he will be attending a week long spy camp on a college campus near D.C.

    I've asked here before about camps experiences but the question went unanswered... perhaps I'll try again.

  4. A spectacular week would be if someone, or everyone accomplishes something they have worked diligently on.  We are quakers and try to avoid pride, but I am happy when my kids are happy.  

    The good week would also have to be illness free, though they are few and far between.  That is always a blessing.

    Also looking forward to future plans is exciting.   Usually this follows an accomplishment because, we always think "what next?".


  5. Spectacular week:

    I remember to start each morning with prayer and Bible reading.

    We are all getting along well and considering each others feelings, my kids are being efficient with their book work and getting it out of the way early so we can focus on the fun stuff like nature walks, art,  and science experiments.

    We don't charge anything on our credit card!  ;o)

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