
Homeschooling 1 question fun survey?

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what are some of your homeschool must haves

other then pencils and pens and paper ect.

mine is index cards

i also must have sticky notes.

tell me yours

hope you get best answer




  1. Folders so everything is organised, books and journals (studying nursing) id be lost without my medical dictonary!

  2. Computer ( I do a lot of research on the internet, and  type a lot of reports and projects),

    Library ( we go there every week and get TONS of books on all sorts of subjects, with out the library are whole learning system would not work),

    Library Card ( I say this because with my library card on the library website I can do rosetta stone for free, and watch all of PBS's educational TV shows for free!),

    Note Book ( or three ring binder, it is where I keep all my reports, projects, and reviews for the whole year, I get a new notebook every year and they fill up fast.)

    Those are the must needs of my school year.

  3. play dough! I find that the kids retain more while I read to them if their hands are occupied with something fun! Therefore they are learning that education can be fun. They only get to do it during certain subjects.

    Coffee in the morning and Ice Tea after wards to ward off dry throat and thirst. I can talk all day and I lose my voice after the first week of school.

    Kids in bed early so Dad and I can have a little peace. That's more important than my morning coffee!lol!

  4. internet connection, printer, photocopier

    library card




    discovery channel

    paint, clay, craft stuff in general


  5. Music cds of kids songs and nursery rhyme books for the younger crowd. A computer with educational games for all ages. Fancy cut scissors, string, glue, construction paper in all colors, deep stapler, paper cutter, stickers, digital camera, printer, book binder, hole punch (adjustable) - all for the kids to make project books. If a child can publish their work, they will turn out higher quality work, especially if it will be place in the "library" bookcase for everyone to see.

    Good luck, have fun, Rail

  6. Keys to all the curriculums!

    Other than that, page protectors. We should own stock in them. We use the "Charlotte Mason" approach for most subjects.

  7. Tons of Art supplies

    Lots of good reading books

    Lots of fun board games and puzzles

  8. Internet access and a library card!  If we had to, we could complete our education without anything other than those two items.

    Those teacher discount cards come in handy, also.

  9. -Computer w/ internet access

    -Library card

    -Set of encyclopedias

    -Scrabble (okay, don't need it, but Scrabble can be fun! :--) )

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