
Homeschooling Getting Started?

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My son was in Kindergarten and now will be entering 1st grade I've decided to start homeschooling him. But am very confused on how to get started we live in Ohio if this helps. Any info. would be appreciated.




  1. I think it's great that you've decided to homeschool.  Here's a list of requirements different states use to make up their homeschool laws:

    Here's some info about Ohio's laws:

    I think the next step for you would be to find out your son's learning style.  Here is some information on learning styles:

    Home schools doesn't have to operate like traditional schools.  Here is some information on different homeschooling methods you could look into, along with links to sources of other info:

    Exploring learning styles and homeschooling methods will help point you in the right direction for finding a curriculum.

    I think it would also help you to join a local support group for information and support for you, and activities for your child.

    Here's some info on homeschooling support:

    Good luck!

  2. Research the regulations:

    Also, we first started out using Time4Learning ( but have moved on and now I use a combination of things for my kids.  But it seems our state (TX) has a lot less regulations than yours (OH).

  3. HSLDA is okay, but it tends to run on fear, and trying to make a dollar. And there are several states for which their law is incorrect (stating that it requires more rules than state law requires) Try here

    Please consider looking at homeschool groups in your area. I know that there are some great ones, I have a friend in Ohio who is part of a great group. Plus you'll get experienced opinions and personal support. Good luck

  4. Start with the laws first the site for HSLDA is great for that.

    Second find out what kind of learner your son is. Is he visual, or auditory? Does he have to be hands on or can he listen to a story and remember every detail? These things are different for every child. Then look at curricula that you think you and he will enjoy. We use Sonlight, Apologia Science, and Math U See. Sonlight comes with lesson plans already written for you. My kids are more visual so they need lots of experiments and aids to help see the concepts. For that Apologia and Math U See are great.

    Remember home school is supposed to be fun for everyone. Yes it is hard work but you can work at your pace. You can say yes to all kinds of activities but don't say yes to them all (it will overwhelm you). The last thing to remember is that there are great people here to answer your questions but we don't beat a home school group with other moms that you can talk to face to face!

  5. first you need to find out what the legal requirements are in your state.  In some states, you have to have a certified teacher involved in the process, like looking at the work or making sure you do it.  Next set up a lesson schedule, make lesson plans that fit that schedule and the educational standards of your state, and start to teach.

    My own personal bias, is that you should include some time where he is with other kids, church, at the park, community event, something so he gets social skills.

    Google search home school lesson plans, that will give you tons of ideas of what to teach and how to teach it.

  6. I have tried several ways to home school my children. I too live in ohio. We have tried several online charter schools and finally ended up with OHVA which is excellent ..I strongly recommend them

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