
Homeschooling Groups in Athens, TN?

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Are there any groups for homeschoolers in Athens,TN.




  1. It's doubtful that, given the size of Athens (Wikipedia says most recent census gives it about 13 000 people), that you'll have much in terms of groups. However, you can connect with others nearby or find a larger group that may have some Athens members.

    From the link I gave you for one of your other questions:

    CHIMESTN - CHIMES (Christian Home Independent Mission Education Support) is a cooperative which provides enrichment classes, field trip, and support. We meet in Athens, TN.

    Possibly fairly close to you:

    chattanoogaandnwgachristianhomeschoole... (NWGA and Chattanooga Christian Homeschoolers) - This is a group for homeschoolers in the Chattanooga and NorthWest Georgia area who feel that it was God's calling to home educate their children. This is a chance for us to get to know others in the area who are likeminded, exchange ideas, arrange outings and just chat.

    "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." -- Proverbs 22:6

    Please see our website, for more information.

    To Subscribe, visit


    east_tennessee_secular_homeschool (East Tennessee Secular Homeschool) - This group is for parents in East Tennessee who wish to homeschool their children with a secular approach. Atheist, agnostic, humanist, freethinker, whatever, it will be a great way to meet other parents who have similar parenting styles and values, for our kids to meet other kids they can interact with, and to share curriculum ideas! Christian or otherwise religious people are welcome as long as there is plenty of respect and absolutely NO proselytizing.

    To Subscribe, visit


    Eclectic-homeschoolers (Eclectic Home Schoolers of Chattanooga) - The Eclectic Homeschoolers of Chattanooga are devoted to homeschooling support without religious or political ties. We ask that members keep in mind that we are a diverse group and come together with many experiences and viewpoints to share. We strive for tolerance of differences and communication and sharing on the topics that bring us together as parents and people. That said, the primary bent of the group is spiritually liberal with most of our members as liberal Christians and non-Christians, including Jewish, Buddhist and Pagan/Earth Based religions. The e-mail list is maintained for the use of those attending group meetings. If you have questions about if the group is right for you please contact Jan at for further discussion of the matter.

    To subscribe, visit


    Homeschool in East Tennessee - For more information, contact Kelly at

    To Subscribe, visit


    homeschoolersineastTN (Home Schoolers In East TN) - This group is for home schoolers and those considering home schooling in the East Tennessee area. Share your ideas, websites and field trip opportunities here!

    To Subscribe, visit


    Kidsclub2 (TennKidsClub) - Email list for the website, a website devoted to information dessimination for all home schoolers in the Knoxville/Oak Ridge/East Tennessee area. Anyone homeschooling is welcome to join this large online group comprised of home schoolers in this area. This is a very active list with lots of information on home school activities, area events, co-operative education opportunities, social get togethers, field trips, and sharing of educational ideas.

    Check out our website for more information

    To subscribe, visit


    tennhomeschoolers (Tennessee Homeschoolers) - Tennhomeschoolers was the first (Feb 1998) *inclusive list for homeschoolers in Tennessee. We have homeschoolers from across the state (& border states) including many veteran homeschoolers who can help you find your own way along this most excellent adventure. Everyone has something to share -- you don't have to be a veteran to support your fellow homeschoolers. If you have knowledge let others light their candles by it. The *diversity of this list keeps it interesting -- treating each other with respect keeps the list enjoyable. Together we shall light a candle of understanding in our hearts which shall not be put out.

    Our policy regarding "on-topic" postings - we do not impose an ON TOPIC ONLY policy on this list. The thought of having to police this list for "off" topic posts sends shivers down my spine. There isn't enough money in the world to pay me to take on the job of having to explain/defend to the vast majority of our feisty, opinioned list members why topic x is "on" topic and topic "y" isn't. Willingness to use the delete key for threads that do not interest you or to take the heat if you enter the kitchen are our expectations for list members. Other expectations are: willingness to keep your virus software up-to-date and willingness to execute user accomplishable tasks such as managing your list subscription needs.

    Y'all come visit now, sit a spell, take your shoes off, but be prepared we can be a rowdy bunch.

    For more information, visit Learning Happens.

    To subscribe, visit Tennessee Homeschoolers.

    To Subscribe, visit


    Warm Regards,


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